Year 5 Friday 29th January Remote Learning

Good Morning Year 5,

Today we come together school and home! looking forward to seeing everyone at 10 O’clock.

There is a little change on the timetable as we have had to move RE to Friday because of the film on Wednesday! Hope you don’t mind!!

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Short maths this morning 10 minutes on your Rockstars and then just D4 to complete - you may be confident enough to do this mentally (uxtu) but feel free to do jottings if you need to.


Today Bella and Mark will lead council. I hope you have all read the agenda so you are ready to join! It is a bit teacher heavy this week but I promise not to dominate these sessions. I am always very good at listening in class! Remember you zoom invite has been sent to your purple mash email account!


Let us investigate some of our Tricky words - All the words for todays lesson all have double letters in them. Let us look at ways to help us remember those double letters.

Once you have watched it you need to complete two Purple Mash 2dos. One is a sheet from you RWI book in school and the other is a spelling test in Purple Mash - this spelling text is open for the children in school too!


Time to get moving at home! Today you have a choice you can get up and moving with Joe or get out and about with family! Why not grab that bike and blow the cobwebs away! I know how many of you have dogs to walk too!!!! So sorry about last week - when I came to make this week I noticed the link was missing!!! It is there today!

Have a lovely family focused weekend and thank you soooooo much for all your hard work- Mrs H xx

For quick access to the AR reader and other helpful links visit the Year 5 “How to Help Page”

Have a lovely weekend with family! Thank you for all your hard work.

Mrs H xx