Year 5 Friday 22nd January Remote Learning

Good Morning Year 5,

Today we come together school and home! Please make sure you and your parents have read the ZOOM guidance and you are ready at 10.00am. See you all then!

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Today I would like you to complete A15 on IXL. Once you have completed that please return to your TT ROCKSTAR and go for it. Clayton is heading towards a Rock Legend - he has emailed me with steely determination! Go for it.


Today we come together as a class to share our experiences and to share our love and friendship! Mrs Hotchkiss, Mrs Nel, Mrs Harrison, Mrs Russell and hopefully Miss Coupe (if college lectures allow) will join us. What a big family we are!


Time to get moving at home! Today you have a choice you can get up and moving with Joe or stretched while completing your Yoga. What do you need energizing or relaxing and stretching?


How is your reading going? I have been checking out your reading targets and a few children have hit them and others are doing great! Congratulations to Penny Fin and Elise! There are a numbers of you racing towards your target too. Make sure you quiz at home! Redesigned the “How to Help” button on our class page and here you will find the link to AR Quizzes, E-Books and the Library service - Have a look!

Have a lovely weekend with family! Thank you for all your hard work.

Mrs H xx