Year 2 Remote Learning - Tuesday 26th January

Good Morning Year 2. How are you today?
Here are Tuesday’s lessons for you.

At this moment in time, due to the nature of the circumstances, online learning is the only way that I can record and deliver lessons. I am aware that we are all spending time on computers and devices, much more than we usually would. This week I want to see photographs of you taking screen breaks. I have put some ideas above about what you could do…but this is important. Make sure you give yourself breaks during the day and relax your brains.


Don’t forget TT Rockstars to wake that brain up!

Again, the first activity is available for you to complete as a 2DO on Purple Mash if you wish.



Last week you heard the story of Jesus healing the 10 lepers. Here is another version for you to enjoy.

Today, I would like to create a story board retelling what happened in the story from the Bible. Remember to include all of the key points - a little like the summarising we have been practising in English. This can either be completed on Purple Mash or by using the sheet below to write and draw on. You will find a 2DO on Purple Mash if you chose to complete it on there.



This week I would like you to practise your jumping. How far can you jump? Can you get further each time? Use something as a marker when you land. Can you jump further than that marker?

Remember to bend those knees and use your arms to power yourself off the ground.

Enjoy your learning!

Miss Woodend