Year 2 Remote Learning - Wednesday 27th January

Welcome to Wednesday’s learning Year 2!
Have a wonderful day!


At this moment in time, due to the nature of the circumstances, online learning is the only way that I can record and deliver lessons. I am aware that we are all spending time on computers and devices, much more than we usually would. This week I want to see photographs of you taking screen breaks. I have put some ideas above about what you could do…but this is important. Make sure you give yourself breaks during the day and relax your brains.


First, complete at least 3 minutes of TT Rockstars to warm your brains up!

Today’s activity is available for you to complete on Purple Mash. I do know however, that some find it difficult to work on Purple Mash, particularly if working on a tablet or IPad. Don’t worry if it is easier for you to complete the activities on paper.


Today we are also going to try something new. Now that we have all finished reading the story, I would like you to think how you would describe Plop in one word. To record your ideas, you can scan the QR code below using the camera on your smart device, or you can type the web link into your browser. Once the link has opened, it should ask you to type your word to describe Plop. You can submit up to 5 words, or just submit just one if you wish. These will then send to me and I will be able to show you the results tomorrow. Let’s hope it works!


Remember to read for at least 30 minutes today. All online reading help can be found in ‘How to help your child’. Well done to those children who have reached their targets. I keep moving everybody up on the sunflower each week to see how you’re getting on.

PE - Let’s get moving!

Something a little different today. Have a go at the video below.


We would also normally have music with Miss Mallinson today. Enjoy your fourth lesson on pulse!

Enjoy today’s learning

Miss Woodend