Year 5 Homework to be handed in on Thursday 25th September

This week the homework books are coming home! Some of the work needs to be completed in their books and a little online! Have fun!


As always reading is the priority. Can you make sure that your child has organised down time when reading becomes the focus. This might be time before tea , or bedtime or snuggled on the sofa every morning before school. The children’s targets are set and they are able to quiz every morning in school. Once they quiz they share their results with Mrs Nel or myself and we check how far they are from their reading target. This target is set by the computer and is relative to how well they did on their Star Reader test at the beginning. Once they can see their percentage moving up to their target they get motivated to reach it. To motivate further, all the children have astronaut images in class. These little figures move up to the moon as they reach their target. At the moment Olivia is racing to ahead. We have been in school for three weeks now and the children should be moving to about 30% of their target.

To help them achieve their goals please make reading a priority at home.


Well this week the children have been learning Roman numerals. They covered these up to 100 in Year 4 (along time ago). We have moved onto numbers up to 1000.

This week I would like the children to be the teacher at home. I have given them this powerpoint. I would like them to use it to teach mum. dad, grandad or any sibling (older) who is willing to be a pupil. You will need to write your work in their homework book so your child can then mark it!

Have fun being the teacher!!!

Now complete A6 IXL


This week we have been collecting vocabulary - great words that have turned up in our stories! I would like the children to find synonyms (has a similar meaning) for the word gratitude. I have made a link here to an online thesaurus for you to find these words and to write them in your homework book.


In class we explored the things we are most grateful for. Gosh what lovely responses! Sometimes in this world we don’t seem to have time to stop and reflect on what we are truly grateful for. I would like the children to compose a prayer of gratitude. Using the words above I would like them to create a beautiful prayer thanking God. Carefully use the words you have collected.


Back to Ancient Greece. I would like you to reflect on the story of Antigone. Draw the opening scene! Think about: the city/ and its surrounding walls (seven gates in the city walls) the battlefield beyond (the death and destruction), the crow, the dog and the girls.

Optional- Can you draw the story of Oedipus (the blind King - played by Clayton) from his birth to death in the style of a cartoon strip?

Have fun!!