Year 6 Weekly Home Learning - Wednesday 9th December 2020

Spellings: last week we looked at ‘shun’ endings spelt tion. This week it is ‘shun’ endings spelt cian.

electrician, magician, mathematician, physician, clinician, optician, politician, technician, beautician, musician, electrician, pediatrician, tactician, dietician.

What do all of the words have in common?

History - Tudor Clothing.

Tudor Clothin.PNG

Can you complete the To Do that some of you have started this week on Tudor Clothing? Don’t forget to use the question prompts at the side of the page to support your research and detail.

Put the research that you find into your own words.

Maths - There are 2 parts to your homework this week for maths

  1. Can you complete the Purple Mash document - MIXED UP MATHS. Remember to look at the display board to see all of the different ways that you can complete this. A small pencil is a must to avoid it being over sized.

  2. IXL - E5 and E6. Highest common factor and lowest common multiple. Remember to jot down the factors and multiples to help you.