Year 6 Half Term Learning

Well…we made it and not only did we make it…I feel like we have smashed this half term. Well done every single one of you. My heart is bursting with pride!

Maths - Continue to work through the C strand of IXL. Visit the previous home learning page to check which strands they are.

Reading - READ, READ, READ AND READ SOME MORE! Get ready to take some AR quizzes when you return to school.

Science - Have you finished your electricity leaflet on Purple Mash? Spend some time making sure it is ready to hand in.

Can you see me? Well…wasn’t that an emotional book to read (and that was just Mrs Gregan!)

Can you write a letter Tally? I have set you a task on Purple Mash - a letter document.

Use the school address as your address.

Can you see me.jpg

I would like you to include:

  • Why are you writing to Tally?

  • How did her story make you feel?

  • What parts of her story stood out for you?

  • What parts of her story are you going to learn from?

  • Why is Tally’s story important?

I cannot wait to see what standard of writing you produce. I am going to send these letters to the author. Think about being a Year 6 writer - how are you going to upskill your writing with language, punctuation and sentence openers?