"Speak in any language- but always speak with love" unknown

Mrs Kennedy had fun this week - she explored words in our every day language which have their origins in Ancient Greece. The children used the internet to investigate and they competed some thorough work- well done. In another lesson we became archaeologists and carefully analysed artifacts that had been discovered at Knossos on Crete and together we linked this evidence to the story of the Minotaur- it was all rather exciting. In maths we have explored Roman numerals up to and beyond 1000 and we now have experts in the class able to teach to other! Once this was mastered we moved onto rounding! In English we had tears, not because the work was too tricky, but because one of our legends was really sad! The children explored the opening of the legend of Gelert, before writing plausible conclusions to the story. I have to say the children showed great imagination and I thoroughly enjoyed reading them. We have also responded to the text carefully pulling evidence in response to true and false statements. Mrs Curtis continues to praise everyone’s approach in art and I walked into the music lesson while the children were listening to Bob Marley- very chill. In dance we raced around the labyrinth in Ancient Greece and in rugby we were pretty exhausted- there is a lot of running and dodging in this game! In RE we explored how a person of faith can embrace all science - we studied priests who were also scientists and on Monday we shared our first mediation session in the chapel. All in all a great week of learning!

Awards this week:

Too Roger Robins: Dylan, Callum-Sean and Frankie


Our Assembly is on Tuesday 1st Oct 9:10 am

Shakespeare letters to be returned by Monday

Please return all paper work for induction evening and flu jab letter- thank you. I will be able to post pictures soon.

Finally- please be patient at the door at the end of the day. I need to call the children to you so I can ensure every child left with the right adult. This is part of my duty of care and I would hate to think that a child left without my knowledge- your kind patience and understanding at this time if the day is really appreciated.

Please see sports page for all sports clubs

Have a lovely weekend!