“Believe in yourself and have faith in your abilities.”

Last week the children recieved a letter from Mr Green, the manager of a local supermarket in St. Annes. Mr Green asked for year 1’s help; an army of evil peas were causing chaos in the supermarket. Year 1 came up with a super plan to save the day! On Monday morning the children made jelly traps, to catch the peas in. Their plan worked and all of the evil peas were captured! They have now been marched back to the freezer where they belong! The children then wrote some fantastic instructions of how to make a jelly trap. In year 1, we have certainly learned that some vegetables are frozen for a VERY good reason!

In RE this week, the children have continued their learning of the Christmas story. On their way back from visiting baby Jesus, some of the shepherds were interviewed on the hillside. They couldn’t wait to tell the interviewer the good news of Jesus’ birth!

In maths this week, the children have been practising their learning of the part-part-whole model. I wonder if they can show you this over the weekend? Thank you to everyone who came to the curriculum evening! It was so wonderful to see so many families, as excited about maths as we are!

Let’s celebrate

Yoga stars - well done to Esther and Rafe for being so mindful and calm!

Class Tiger

This week the tiger has chosen to come home with Rose! Rose the tiger has been blown away for your enthusiasm for learning. You have perfected our ‘stop, go, stop go’, classroom routine and are pushing yourself to grown your brain every lesson! Well done Rose!

Enthusiastic Bobby Bee - For believing in yourself! Niamh, you have impressed me so much with your confidence in sharing your ideas. You have been super at  joining in with class learning and have even been helping your learning partner too! Well done Niamh!

Co-operative Roger Robin - For being such a kind learner! Michael, you brighten up the classroom when you walk into it; you are such a positive learner. You are endlessly supportive of your classmates and recognise that other’s learning is a wonder to celebrate too! Thank you for making the classroom such a happy place to learn!


  • Please can you ensure that all children’s clothes are labelled.

Have a lovely weekend,

Miss Lane and Miss Woodrow