Year 3 Homework to be handed in Wednesday 27th November

READING- Please make sure you are reading to an adult for at least 20 minutes EVERY night and get them to ask you questions about the text, I can’t stress how important this is! Are you quizzing regularly enough? Are you reading books that you enjoy? Are you challenging yourselves with the books you are choosing?

SPELLING- This week we have spellings from the Year 3 and 4 spelling list of tricky words. The expectation is by the end of Year 4 children will be able to read, spell and use all of these words within their writing. so please have a go at practicing these in fun, creative and different ways- we would love to see all the different ways you try to learn them.

Probably Woman Therefore Important Recent Various

MATHS - Please complete the IXL strand L10 and L14 under ‘PLACE VALUE’

ENGLISH- As you know we have been learning all about a particular type of species of Dragon ‘The Manchester Ridge-Back’. Unfortunately this species are becoming rare (close to extinction) as people are mistaken them for a more viscous type of dragon. We MUST protect the Manchester Ridge Back! Help us by creating a poster on the sheet of paper provided urging people to protect this dragon- you will need to use pictures to attract people to look at it, explain WHY they need protecting and what people can do to help. These will then be displayed in class.