Year 6 Home Learning - Wednesday 13th November

Another busy week in Year 6 provides us with some great learning opportunities. The standard of homework is getting better and better…keep it up Year 6.

Spelling - next week’s test will be a review of all of the spellings that we have covered so far this year. It is really important to revisit frequently so that spellings become habitual.

Remember to keep looking at the Year 5 & 6 common exception words - I may throw a few of these in too!

Common exception words.PNG

Maths - in the coming weeks, we will be hitting multiplication and division. It is absolutely crucial that you all know your tables inside out and back to front! I want you to really focus on these over the next few weeks aiming for an immediate recall on any question.

I have also set you a multiplication assessment on Purple Mash to do. This will look at your recall and quickness.

Science/English - next week we will be continuing our work on evolution and writing a biography on Charles Darwin. Can you complete some research in your homework books under these headings:

  • Early life

  • Education

  • Career

  • Family Life

  • Significant Achievements

Computing: Remember to go back to your marking on Purple Mash. Edit your work based on my marking and resubmit your work.