Half Term Homework for Year 6

Just a few tasks to keep you ticking over the half term so that you are ready to dive straight back into learning when you get back.

Spelling - go over all of the spellings that you have had this half term. Which ones did you find tricky? Which ones did you struggle to remember. Make sure you have mastered these.

Maths - after half term we will be focusing on addition and subtraction before moving onto multiplication and division. Which times tables are you struggling with? Practise these to get yourselves to the point where you can recall them really quickly.

Reading - The Fantastic Book Awards

Kat Wolfe - read up to page 46

Golden Horseman - read up to page 36

Embassy of the Dead - read up to page 34

Armistice Runner - Read up to page 38

Riddle of the Runes - Read up to page 40

The Dodo Made Me Do It - Read up to page 40

Please can you have read this section of the book before the first Friday back in school. You will meet in your groups again. Remember, do not read beyond this point!

Computing - Complete you comic book around your Online Safety message.

English - Please complete some research on Walt Disney. Who was he? What did he achieve? What else can you find out about him? You can present your research in any way that you want.