Year 6 Weekly Home Learning 23.11.23

English - Please complete the short comprehension sheet on the DEFORESTATION.

SPELLING: this week we are continuing to focus on words ending in ‘ough’. Once you have practised there is also a Purple Mash quiz set for you to test yourself at home. I have also set a 2Do on Purple Mash, where you will find some downlaodable flash cards, that may help you if you want to print them off:

Mrs Barker’s Spelling Group

Same Sentence show small sound take


Let’s practice our reasoning skills with a short quiz!

Also, there are many children in class we have spotted this week that need to practise recalling half of numbers, especially odd numbers. Please can we spend a bit of time throughout the week on the game ‘hit the button’

OR are you one of the children that needed to practise their number bonds to 100 or decimal frations…if so please practise 10 minutes a day on Hit the Button…

Science (two weeks to complete for our display)

This week we have started our topic on evolution, inheritance and adaptations. Next week we will be looking at inhetited characteristics that we get from our family. For homework, I would like you to please find a photograph of a family member or members who show these inherited characterisitcs… this photograph will be displayed in class so make sure we are ok to use this! Could you also write a few sentences/ paragraph on what inheirted characteristics you have from parent or grandparents!

It’s that time of year again …

Please could you next learn the next two songs off by heart for our Chrsitmas Concert…

Year 6 Weekly Home Learning 17.11.23

English - Please complete the short comprehension sheet on the Tudors.

SPELLING: this week we are continuing to focus on words ending in ‘ible’ and ‘ibly’. Once you have practised there is also a Purple Mash quiz set for you to test yourself at home. I have also set a 2Do on Purple Mash, where you will find some downlaodable flash cards, that may help you if you want to print them off:

Mrs Barker’s Spelling Group

Name New old only our place


Let’s practice our arithmetic and reasoning skills with a short quiz!

Also, there are many children in class we have spotted this week that need to practise recalling half of numbers, especially odd numbers. Please can we spend a bit of time throughout the week on the game ‘hit the button’

It’s that time of year again …

Year 6 have all come home with song booklets now (please take good care of them) and they will have a number of songs to learn and practise each work, ready for their final Our Lady’s Chrsitmas Concert! Next week children should also recieve their script, as they will be leading the prayer and reflection on the night. Here are the songs to practice below:

HISTORY: The six wives of Henry VIII.

You have two weeks to complete this, as we are expecting depth and quality (no copy and pasting).

Henry VIII was a significant monarch in British History, but what can you find out about his 6 wives?

Gather as much information as you can about the wives and what happened to them. You can show your research in any way, in your books, on purple mash or on a piece of paper.

What was their date of birth and death?

How old were they when they came to the throne as Henry’s wife?

Did they have any children?

What was their influence on Henry?

Year 6 Weekly Home Learning 10.11.23

English - Grammar- Please complete the sheet on adverbs.

SPELLING: this week we are focusing on doubling consonants. Once you have practised there is also a Purple Mash quiz set for you to test yourself at home. I have also set a 2Do on Purple Mash, where you will find some downlaodable flash cards, that may help you if you want to print them off:

Mrs Barker’s Spelling Group

line little live mean Most much


Let’s practice our arithmetic skills with short quiz!

HISTORY: The six wives of Henry VIII.

You have two weeks to complete this, as we are expecting depth and quality (no copy and pasting).

Henry VIII was a significant monarch in British History, but what can you find out about his 6 wives?

Gather as much information as you can about the wives and what happened to them. You can show your research in any way, in your books, on purple mash or on a piece of paper.

What was their date of birth and death?

How old were they when they came to the throne as Henry’s wife?

Did they have any children?

What was their influence on Henry?

Year 6 Weekly Home Learning 3.11.23

English - Reading - Read, read, read, read every single day for AT LEAST 30 minutes.

Please complete the comprehension sheet on ‘gaming’, remembering to aswer in as much detail as you can.

SPELLING: this week we are focusing on adding the suffix ‘er’. Once you have practised there is also a Purple Mash quiz set for you to test yourself at home. I have also set a 2Do on Purple Mash, where you will find some downlaodable flash cards, that may help you if you want to print them off:

Mrs Barker’s Spelling Group

Follow form give good great just


Let’s practice our arithmetic skills with short quiz!


Please research and create a one A4 page on the following, which can either be printed off or emailed to myself. Please make sure this is not stuck in homework books as it will be put in our Science books at school…

Year 6 Weekly Home Learning

English - Reading - Read, read, read, read every single day for AT LEAST 30 minutes. Are you quizzing regularly enough? Some still haven’t quiz since they’ve been back, let’s change that and get to our targets.

SPELLING: this week we are focusing on words from the Year 6 statutory list. Once you have practised there is also a Purple Mash quiz set for you to test yourself at home:

Mrs Barker’s Spelling Group

could should would because maybe further people


Let’s practise our rounding skills using IXL:

A14 Rounding: up to thousands place

A15 Rounding: up to millions place


Can you create your own 3D mountain from the template provided and fill it with information about about about the Andes, the mountain ranges in South America which we were learning about in class. Here are some ideas to include on your mountain of information:

•The size and location of the Andes

•How the Andes were formed

•The various climates of the Andes

•How the Andes differ in different areas

•The volcanoes of the Andes

•How people live in the Andes

•Why people visit the Andes

•The animals and plants of the Andes

When you have written all your information, fold your mountain up and glue it together. Can you add any other features like information flaps?

Year 6 Weekly Home Learning

English - Reading - Read, read, read, read every single day for AT LEAST 30 minutes. Are you quizzing regularly enough? Some still haven’t quiz since they’ve been back, let’s change that and get to our targets.


Can you create your own 3D mountain from the template provided and fill it with information about about about the Andes, the mountain ranges in South America which we were learning about in class. Here are some ideas to include on your mountain of information:

•The size and location of the Andes

•How the Andes were formed

•The various climates of the Andes

•How the Andes differ in different areas

•The volcanoes of the Andes

•How people live in the Andes

•Why people visit the Andes

•The animals and plants of the Andes

When you have written all your information, fold your mountain up and glue it together. Can you add any other features like information flaps?

Year 6 Home Learning

English - Reading - Read, read, read, read every single day for AT LEAST 30 minutes. Are you quizzing regularly enough? Some still haven’t quiz since they’ve been back, let’s change that and get to our targets.

PLEASE complete the comprehension short paper on Malala Yousafzai. Look at the questions carefully and don’t forget to highlight or underline key information in the text that can help you answer. If you need help, please feel free to work alongside an adult.

Maths- Please can you have a go at the reasoning page- if you need to work alongside an adult do or you can come and ask a teacher BEFORE the day it is due in.

Grammar- Our focus is on sentence structure, looking at different sentence types and how we can connect clauses using conjunctions. There are two main type of conjunctions and we have to be able to identify and us these. Please practice using the IXL strands below:

MM1 - Identify coordinating conjunctions

MM2- Identify subordinating conjunctions

Do not spend any longer than 10 minutes on each of these IXL strands, even if you don’t get to 100!

Spellings - this week we are focusing on words with the ending ‘able’ and ‘ible’

Mrs Barker’s Spelling Group

these time water would two some part around

Year 6 Home Learning Friday 22nd September

Priority is to make sure we know all our lines off by heart and exactly when we come in. Could we also make sure we know our song off by heart, ready for our practice on Monday- not long now!

English - Reading - Read, read, read, read every single day! Verbs have been a big part of our learning this week, maybe whilst you are reading you could collect verbs and look at the different ways they have used them within a sentence?

Maths- Please can you have a go at the reasoning page- if you need to work alongside an adult do or you can come and ask a teacher BEFORE the day it is due in.

Grammar- Year 6 need to be able to identify different sentence types- please remind yourselves on whether sentences are simple or compound. Remember to look out for the coordinating conjunctions (FANBOYS), this tells you it is a compound sentence.

Complete IXL EE 8 English- don’t forget to check it is on the Year 6 section not another year group.

we have also been identifying main and subordinate clauses, on IXL and in other areas of grammar these are sometimes called independent (main) and dependent (subordinate) clauses. These helps us to identify and write different types of sentences. Please see the picture below to help you and then complete the following IXL strands.


Spellings - this week we are focusing on homophones…

Mrs Barker’s Spelling Group

Like make more number other over people

Year 6 Home Learning Friday 15th September

Homework should be completed and brought back to school for the following Thursday


English - Reading - Read, read, read, read every single day!

Geography- Can you complete the flags of South America homework- think about your presentation please.

Maths- Please complete the following IXL strands under A Place value and number sense.

A2 Place values

A5 Writing numbers up to one million in words: convert words to digits

A6 Writing numbers up to one million in words: convert digits to words

Spellings - this week we are focusing on recapping the word list from Year 5

Mrs Barker’s Spelling Group

which said word about first could down made

Year 6 Homework Friday 8th September

Homework should be completed and brought back to school for the following Thursday

Homework books - Please personalize/ cover your homework book to tells me something about you, I would love to find out more about you! Please ensure that your name is clearly visible.

 English - Reading - Read, read, read, read every single day! Whilst you are reading can you collect nouns in your homework book? Think about whether they are proper, common or an abstract noun.

Biking- While the weather is so nice, get your bikes out and practice cycling making sure you can cycle in straight lines, round corners, use your brakes correctly and MOST importantly have a helmet that fits!


Spellings will be practised throughout the week and the children will be quizzed on the Friday. There will also be a quiz for you to complete on Purple Mash, once you have spent a good amount of time practising these spellings throughout the week.


Optional Homework

Have you never been a Class Councillor? Would you like this opportunity in your final year at Our Lady’s? Now is your chance …

If you would like to be considered in our class votes then you need to prepare a short speech, presentation or poster that outlines why your class should vote for you and why you would be good at the job. We are voting next Wednesday, so make sure you prepare and bring in everything you need before this day.

Year 6 Home Learning 12.05.23

Exciting homework for this weekend, in preparation for the audition on Monday. Remember the characters you are playing on Monday is not who you are auditioning for, they just give us an idea of your potential, acting skills and stage presence. We will then decide the roles that we feel you will be best suited to- so make you character as expressive as possible to show us what you are capable of! Remember it is scene 5, just the first page.

Here are the two songs, incase you want to make yourselves familiar with them before Monday:

Year 6 Weekly Home Learning 5.05.23


The children are very clear about what they need to do and the areas that they need to develop. Please look at the ‘How to Help Your Child’ button on the Year 6 page. There are lots of resources for the children to access as well as the revision boxes that are in the classroom.

READING- Have a go at the short reading task. Please also ensure you’re reading for AT LEAST 40 minutes per day.

GPS- Have a go at the revision maps I have sent you- there are three to do! One for each day of the long weekend!

There may be other areas you want to go over that you have identified from the last paper you completed.


Year 6 Weekly Home Learning 21.04.23

With just 2 weeks until the end of year assessments, we have ramped up learning in class. The children are very clear about what they need to do and the areas that they need to develop. Please look at the ‘How to Help Your Child’ button on the Year 6 page. There are lots of resources for the children to access as well as the revision boxes that are in the classroom.

Maths - Please complete the reasoning paper that I sent you home for homework. There is a good mixture of questions in the booklet that will challenge your reasoning. Read the question carefully! You need to decide how best to work through these so that it will benefit you individually- if you need to work on your time then you need to get an adult to time you!

GPS - Have a go at the GPS paper that I have sent you home for homework.

SPELLING FOCUS - i before e, except after c. This is a really tricky rule! Focus on it.

What other spelling rules do you need to revise?

cashier, priest, mischief, deceive, receipt, mischief, believe, brief, niece, diesel, hygiene, fierce, siege, grief, receive, perceive, inconceivable, yield, efficient, conscience


Keep helping yourself to the revision material in class and remember there is revision classes at lunctime if you want to- this is also a good time to go over any questions you found tricky in your homework!

Year 6 Home Learning 31.03.23

Message to Parents

This year really is flying! The children are being asked to work incredibly hard in class and our pace of learning is incredible. As always, the children are rising to every challenge that they are being set.

After this week, we have 5 weeks until our assessment week. Maintaining a balanced curriculum is really important. They have to experience learning in all of the other subjects as well as the increased focus on Maths and English. There has been huge progress made in these areas because the children are so motivated and determined to do well.

Intrinsic motivation and the children being determined to succeed will inevitably lead to their success. Effort breeds success.

Please do get in touch if you need any more support.


SPELLING - Revise all of your spellings from your spelling book. Which words are you finding tricky? Is there a particular rule? Can you re-learn some of the spellings you have got wrong in your quizzes?

GPS - You have a short paper to work through at home. Are you comfortable with all concepts? What could you research further? Could you use IXL for further consolidation?

MATHS - I have given you a reasoning paper to have a go at over the holidays, reason your way through this along side an adult for support. I have added White Rose Home Learning to the button below. You can watch videos to help you in any area of maths that you are not sure about.

READING - Have a look at and work through the reading paper sent home- this time why not time yourself. Just give yourself 20 minutes to complete each section. Then go back at it another day and reflect on whether you stuck to time or on the areas you spent too long on. Timing in this is key, that is why fluency is so vital. Read every day!

Year 6 Home Learning 24.3.23


  1. Have a go at the arithmetic SAT’s booklet. You can either work independently at this and then go over the questions with an adult at home or perhaps one of your peers during your playtime. Or you could work through this with your parent and discuss how you would approach each of the questions.

  2. This week we have looked at percentages. Please have a go at the following IXL strand to revisit your learning.

    T1 What percentage is illustrated?

  3. I am leaving the video up as a reminder of this strategy, should you need this during the arithmetic paper.


This week your focus is words ending in ent, ence and ency. There is also a spelling quiz to complete on Purple Mash.


  1. Please complete the guided read carefully and answer the questions. I think it would be lovely to work through this with an adult or discuss the text and any unfamiliar words before completing the comprehension.

Optional revision:

Why don’t use look at the pronouns sections in IXL English GG PRONOUNS. We have been doing this in class so it would be great to reinforce!

Year 6 Home Learning 17.3.23


  1. Please complete the following IXL strands:

    M10 Add fractions with different denominators using models

    M11 Add fractions with different denominators

    M12 Subtract fractions with different denominators using models

    M13Subtract fractions with different denominators

  2. Long division- Please complete the division questions using our long division strategy. This week our focus is just on 4 digits divided by 2 digits. Thanks to some more of our wonderful helpers who have prepared a short video to help you remember the strategy …


This week our focus has been on plural noun endings. Can you complete the following IXL strands and you will be quizzed at random on Friday, so make sure you understand the different rules.

FF3 Form plurals of nouns ending in f, fe, o and y

FF4 Form and use plurals of nouns ending in f, fe, o and y


  1. Please have a go at completing the SAT’s style grammar questions.


SAT’s folders have now come home, this is your chance to go through each of these with your parents. Celebrate your achievements, share your targets and practice those areas you found tricky!

Year 6 Home Learning 10.3.23


  1. Please complete the arithmetic sheet- think carefully how best to complete each question and the strategies you use.

  2. Long division- Please complete the division questions using out long division strategy. This week our focus is just on 3 digits divided by 2 digits without a remainder. Thanks to our wonderful helpers who have made a short video to help you remember the strategy …


This week our focus is on abstract nouns- please complete the spelling quiz on Purple Mash and remember to keep coming back to the spellings throughout the week- ask someone to quiz you, write them out and stick them round your house- whichever strategy works best for you!


  1. Please have a go at completing the SAT’s style grammar questions.

  2. This week we have been looking at possessive apostrophes of singular and plural nouns. Please complete the IXL strand FF 7 Identify plurals, singular possessives and plural possessives

Year 6 Home Learning 3.3.23


Please complete the arithmetic sheet- think carefully how best to complete each question and the strategies you use.


This week our focus is on doubling consonants- please complete the spelling quiz on Purple Mash and remember to keep coming back to the spellings throughout the week- ask someone to quiz you, write them out and stick them round your house- whichever strategy works best for you!


This week I have sent home a SAT’s paper from a previous year for you to have a go at- please make sure that you complete this and bring this back to school to go over in class on Thursday. This can either be completed alongside an adult or independently, you must choose how best to work through this for you to gain the most from it.

Year 6 Home Learning 23.02.24


Please get on TT Rockstars this week and speed up with your times tables- some of you are in desperate need! This will HUGELY help you with your fractions work!


Many of us are making mistakes when using apostrophes in contractions within our writing- this needs revising and revisiting before lessons next week. Please complete the following IXL strands:


  1. Pronoun-verb contractions

  2. Contractions with 'not'


Please complete the reading comprehension- remember you can do this independently or alongside an adult to help you practice certain strategies.


This week’s spelling focus are words ending with ‘ence’ ‘ency’ and ‘ent’. There is a quiz for you to complete on PurpleMash and flash cards if they help you. I have also put an ideas that may help you to learn your spellings below- just another staretgy that will help!

Mrs Barker’s Group

move must need page picture point

Research (due next Thursday)

Can you research William Shakespeare - what information can you find out about him? Then bring back your research after half term please for our English lessons. Think about the following titles: Early life; education; how he became a playwright; late life and legacy

Year 6 Home Learning 10.02.23


Please complete the following IXL strands:

L4 Equivalent fractions

L5 Patterns of equivalent fractions


Please complete the reading comprehension sheet and questions- don’t forget to underline or highlight key information on the text.


Can you research William Shakespeare - what information can you find out about him? Then bring back your research after half term please for our English lessons. Think about the following titles: Early life; education; how he became a playwright; late life and legacy


Two creative tasks for you to do over half term:

  1. Can you design and make a special lenten box for your Reception partner. This needs to be a specially designed and decorated container that you can give to your partner the first week back after half term ready for them to take home and collect money during lent for our chosen charity. Think about what your partner likes and what their interests are, this may help you when planning what to do. You could make your box out of any plastic container, cardboard box, it is up to you- just make sure it is fully cleaned out first!

  2. Start thinking about what character you want to become on World Book Day! Be creative with what you have!