Lets go for it in the final half term with our reading targets - we are already doing well.
IXL units types of triangles : Y2 and translations: X14
Our Lady Star of the Sea Catholic Primary School
Lets go for it in the final half term with our reading targets - we are already doing well.
IXL units types of triangles : Y2 and translations: X14
Watch and enjoy the following series of films on Freya and the Goblins.
Answer the questions below in your homework books - best handwriting:
IXL symmetry X17 and x18
Lets go for it in the final half term with our reading targets - we are already doing well.
IXL units multiplying larger numbers : H9 and co-ordinates: V2 V3
If the root word starts with an m or a p, add im eg patient - impatient
If the root word starts with an r, add ir eg regular - irregular
If the root word starts with an l, add il eg logical, illogical
If the root word starts with anything else, add in, eg active inactive
Lets go for it in the final half term with our reading targets
IXL Fractions units DD1 EE12 EE14
Group 1
Group 2 Not on purple mash - practise in books
This will remain the same for the half term (see below)
Lots of time getting stuck into a good book in your garden or on the beach - or anywhere!
Friday 14th June - first week back is our Multiplication Tables Check
Please practice EVERY DAY over the holidays - especially if your heatmap is not green, but even if it is green, you do not want to forget all your facts so do a little, often.
IXL Fractions units CC4 CC5 and EE1
Group 1
Group 2
This will remain the same for the half term (see below)
Holy Communion.
Please complete from p42-55 in your ‘Called to His Supper,’ booklet before you make your First Holy Communion.
Dedicate 15 - 30 minutes on reading. How are you progressing towards your target?
Please complete the 2 sheets by Thursday, to mark in class
Group 1: First practise the spellings below and complete 2 quizzes in purple mash. One is on our spelling focus over the last fornight - gue and que words.
Group 2 Six spellings to learn: Please practise these again
and please complete the 2 quizzes set on purple mash
This will remain the same for the half term (see below)
Holy Communion.
Please complete from p42-55 in your ‘Called to His Supper,’ booklet before you make your First Holy Communion.
Dedicate 15 - 30 minutes on reading. How are you progressing towards your target?
MINECRAFT MATHS- FACTORS Please complete the double sided sheet by Thursday, to mark in class
Group 1: First practise the spellings below and complete quiz in purple mash
Group 2 Six spellings to learn:
and please complete the 2 quizzes set on purple mash
This will remain the same for the half term (see below)
Holy Communion.
Please complete from p23-41 in your ‘Called to His Supper,’ booklet. Also practise our song, God’s Greatest Gift.’ You have the words and here is a link to the tune
Dedicate 15 - 30 minutes on reading. How are you progressing towards your target?
TWO TIMED SHEETS. Parents - please sit with your child and time them to answer the times tables questions on the first sheet. At the end, mark answers and give them a time. (Children are used to doing these sheets on a Friday)
After a couple of days and some practice on the unknown questions (or slow ones) please complete the second test as before - timed. Stick both sheets in homework book. Did you beat your first time?
TTROCKSTARS - continue. Those without a recent green heatmap, please practice in garage as much as possible
Group 1: First practise the spellings below and complete quiz in purple mash
Group 2 These are spellings from last week that you are unsure of:
and please complete the 3 quizzes set on purple mash
This will remain the same for the half term (see below)
Holy Communion.
Please complete up to page 22 in your ‘Called to His Supper,’ booklet. Also practise our song, God’s Greatest Gift.’ You have the words and here is a link to the tune
Dedicate 15 - 30 minutes on reading. How are you progressing towards your target?
TTROCKSTARS. Why not try a soundcheck if you have not done one already? This mimics what the Multiplication Test in June will be like. You have 6 seconds to answer each question.
If your heatmap is not green - work on this.
If it is, work on raising your Rock Star Status. We now have a display of these statuses for Year 3, 4 and 5!
Group 1: First practise the spellings below and complete quiz in purple mash
Group 2 Practise these spellings below and complete the quiz set on purple mash
This will remain the same for the half term (see below) What lovely Viking boats some of you have made!
Dedicate 15 - 30 minutes on reading. How are you progressing towards your target?
TTROCKSTARS aim to get those heatmaps green. If they are, keep raising your rock star status - and dare I say, set Mrs Lyons a challenge to beat!
Group 1: First practise the spellings below and complete quiz in purple mash
Group 2 Practise these spellings below and complete the quizzes set on purple mash
In line with our new homework policy, each class will now have some optional half termly tasks . Some tasks will build on previous learning and others will enrich this half term’s learning. Please click on the link below to view the tasks for this half term. You can do these in homework books, as photos, powerpoints or however you like.
Dedicate 15 - 30 minutes on reading. Have you quizzed yet this half term?
TTROCKSTARS 10 minutes per day in Garage - see if you can improve your heatmap. Also, can you use our method to complete the following calculations?
In Year 4, we work them out by partitioning the larger number into its parts.
See the example below
Group 1: First practise the spellings below and complete quiz in purple mash
Group 2 Practise these spellings below.
You have had a big week! Performing Shakespeare on stage, your last swimming lesson and also your Reconciliation on Thursday. Can you reflect on what you have learned about yourself in these last few days? What is your relationship with God? What are you like as a person? What can you do now that you couldn’t before? How have you managed to achieve this? You can just discuss this with your adults OR you can make a little page about it in your homework book.
Dedicate 15 - 30 minutes on reading. Have you met your reading target?
TTROCKSTARS 10 minutes per day in Garage - see if you can improve your heatmap
Group 1: First practise the spellings below and complete quiz in purple mash
Group 2 Practise these spellings below.
Now everyone read the words below with the s sound spelt sc. Can you spell any of these? Do you know what they mean?
Please complete up to and including p29-46 of your ‘Making things right’ book and make yourself familiar with our lovely song, ready for the Reconciliation Service in church.
Dedicate 15 - 30 minutes on reading. What are you reading? Do you understand it? Is it at the right level for you
Go over your part for the final time this weekend. Get the things you will need for Wednesday.
TTROCKSTARS 10 minutes per day in Garage - see if you can improve your heatmap
Group 1: First practise the spellings below and complete quiz in purple mash
Group 2 Practise these spellings below.
Now read the words below. Can you spell any of these?
Please complete up to and including p28 of your ‘Making things right’ by the next session. Please remember to bring this with you to next Thursday’s session
Find times where you put down screens and dedicate 15 - 30 minutes on reading.
Keep practising! It is looking really good!
TTROCKSTARS 5 minutes per day in Garage - see if you can improve your heatmap
Group 1: First practise the spellings below and complete quiz in purple mash
Group 2 First practise the spellings below and complete quiz in purple mash
Please see the main blog for this conversation about volcanoes! Then complete your purple mash 2 animate to make an eruption.
Please complete up to and including p15 of your new ‘Making things right’ by the next session. Please remember to bring this with you.
Find times where you put down screens and dedicate 15 - 30 minutes on reading.
We really need to know our lines now. On Friday we are recording the performance to send to the Grand so they can review it. Please make sure you know them by then.
TTROCKSTARS 5 minutes per day in Garage - see if you can improve your heatmap
Group 1: First practise the spellings below and complete quiz in purple mash
Group 2 First practise the spellings below and complete quiz in purple mash
It would be amazing if all children could meet their reading target this half-term. But we must start early - please make sure you are reading a good amount at home each week. Find times where you put down screens and dedicate 15 - 30 minutes on reading.
The producton is starting to shape up! We will be continuing learning to perform these scenes on the first week back - so please practise a little each day to learn off by heart.
TTROCKSTARS 5 minutes per day in Garage - see if you can improve your heatmap
Group 1: First practise the spellings below and complete quiz in purple mash
Group 2 First practise the spellings below and complete quiz in purple mash
now you have your Lenten boxes, see what creative ways you can earn money from your adults. What chores could you do for them? How can you spread kindness to earn extra pennies to collect for CAFOD in your box?
Over half term we would like the children to make Lenten boxes to swap with another child. The children could use a margarine tub, small cardboard box or container and decorate it how they choose. Please ensure Lenten Boxes are brought back into school by Wednesday 21st February ready to swap.
The children will be coming home with their part to learn over the holidays. Some children chose to have a little speaking part and some have quite a bit to learn! We will be learning to perform these scenes on the first week back - so please practise a little each day to learn off by heart.
TTROCKSTARS 5 minutes per day in Garage
Group 1: First practise the spellings below and complete quiz in purple mash
difficult, famous, extreme, guide, heart, history, popular, minute, natural, believe
Group 2 First practise the spellings below and complete quiz in purple mash
by, no , go, said, like, you, your, of, so, off, his, her
city, race, price
TTROCKSTARS 5 minutes per day in Garage
How are you doing with your target this half term? Read as much as you can this week.
Pick your favourite part of the story and draw and colour it using a page of your homework book. Can you remember and copy a line from the scene?
Eg ‘Do you bite your thumb at me sir? “Peace- I hate the word - as I hate hell and all Montagues,” “Do not swear by the moon, the inconstant moon…”
Group 1: First practise the spellings below and complete quiz in purple mash
arrive, breath, breathe, often, popular, eight, eighth, height, high, circle, fruit, guard
measure, treasure, pleasure
Group 2 First practise the spellings below and complete quiz in purple mash
walk, talk, all, fall
by, no , go, said, like, you, your, of, so, off, his, her
This week,in TT Rockstars, when you next go into GARAGE, you will have a GIG. This is a little test to see which tables you now know. Sit somewhere quiet and focus for the full time of the gig. Then for the rest of the week, practise in garage each day. See if you can get your ROCKSTAR STATUS up - are you a ROCK LEGEND?
There is a 2do set in Purple mash, about Solids, Liquids and Gases. You need to explain the characteristics of each state. How do you know if something is a liquid? Can you also give 3 examples of each?
Practice your new song in Charanga. Can you make your own tune with B, A G?
This week, we have nailed all the facts for the 9x table. Please go on TTRockstars each day for 5 minutes - it is set for the 9x 11x and 12x tables. Also complete IXL unit F10 on the 9x table.
We have moved onto our Year 4 spelling book now. This week the focus was on spelling words with the prefixes mis, un, in and dis
Can you learn the following ten spellings and make sure you understand their meanings too?
We have been learning about the Anglo-Saxons in History. So far, we have learned about their homes and why they invaded our country in the 3rd century.
Do some research about the Anglo-Saxons. What can you find out? Choose one area to find out about - eg their religious beliefs.
Complete a page in your homework books with writing and pictures about it.
You could find out about foods they ate, their way of life, their kings and kingdoms, religion etc
Here is a good site to get you started
Practice your new note, G and the sequence of notes B, A and G. Also our new song on Charanga.
590 Tahoe Keys Blvd, South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150