Year 4 Home learning Monday 11th May


Let’s finally meet the ferocious……….fire-fiend. The wrong date is on the video - don’t worry about that. It is the right one!

Maths - Thursday’s answers. How did you do?

Maths today:

I would like you to practice the fractions skills you have been acquiring over the last few days by completing IXL BB3 and Y20 and the Sum dog unit called ‘Practising Equivalent Fractions.’

Year 4 Home Learning Wednesday 6th May


Today, you are going to use your collected ideas from yesterday to write a character description.


Mark your answers from yesterday - let’s see if you understand mixed fractions!

Today’s Maths

We are going to be counting in fractions past 1 today.

Year 4 Home Learning Friday 1st May


First mark your answers from yesterday. Are you being a Lizzie Ladybird and trying hard to get better and better?


Today’s task is to write a character description for one of the characters you gathered ideas for yesterday. Watch my video to see me re-write a poor one! Remember, you will need to fast forward the video to where you were up to yesterday.

Year 4 Home learning for Thursday 30th April


If you found yesterday’s lesson tricky, it is well worth revising fractions on IXL. Y1 - Y7 revise recognising fractions.

Today’s lesson moves on to equivalent fractions. Watch carefully and do your best. Don’t Give up Sadie Spider. If you are finding it a little too hard, you could revise equivalent fractions from Year 3 here. Week 2 lesson 5 ‘Equivalent Fractions’ is good.


Today we will be reading a little more of the story and thinking about the characters. I have copied the task I want you to do underneath the video. This video is for today and tomorrow’s lesson so you will stop it when I say to complete your activity then return to it tomorrow.

Year 4 Home Learning Wednesday 29th April

Its mid-week! Don’t forget to keep up with your reading Year 4. Nessy children need to be doing this each day. How are your weekly activities coming along?


I have kept you waiting a while but now its time to enjoy more of the book. We are reading the next 20 pages! I will read it to you again - but you can always re-read it afterwards. Then you have a reading skills task to do.


Are you ready to start Fractions? Today there is a short video, with activities for you to complete afterwards. This first lesson is revising how we represent Fractions. If you feel you need a refresher, there are two sheets below of fractions for you to recognise. You could print out and fill in or simply go over each answer with an adult.

Year 4 home learning Tuesday 28th April


The video below shows how I reached the answers for the assessment. It helps you improve your learning by helping you see where you went wrong.

I would like you to make sure that you practise any areas you struggled with - as we are moving on to Fractions tomorrow.


Today, I would like you to write a high quality persuasive letter. Watch the video below to remind yourselves how to do this. Please send it to me when you have finished.

Year 4 Home Learning Friday 24th April


Similar to Wednesday, I now want you to practise your new skill of dividing HTO numbers. Please do 20 calculations choosing a number from the left and a divisor from the right. Use the part-part whole models to figure out your answers. Remember - it is all about clever partitioning!

Sumdog - I have added LOTS of Sumdog challenges for you to be ticking along with. Dont panic when you see how many - its to keep you going for a few weeks!


Today, I want you to think about the lovely way Phillip Pullman describes things - there’s a chance to do a bit of drawing too. Watch my little video below and create your own page in your English book collecting interesting description for the elephant, the fireworks, the people and the other things

Year 4 Home learning Thursday 23rd April


Time to learn some higher level division. You can do it Year 4. Watch my lesson and follow the instructions. Do your answers in your maths book and please send me pictures so I can see how you are getting on.


Today I would like you to complete the reading activity below. We are still focusing on the chapters we have already read. This skill requires us to summarise what we have read and find 3 reasons why we know something using the text.

Year 4 home learning Wednesday 22nd April


Practise your division skills now using the part part whole models to partition and exchange. Some will have remainders and some will not. Ask a grown up to mark them for you.


Today I will read some of chapter 2 to you. Then we will be thinking about figuring out the meaning of words from their context and then checking by looking up in a dictionary.

Year 4 home learning Tuesday 21st April


Today’s short lesson is like yesterday - but with remainders. We practised those on Thursday and Friday last week - so you will be great!


Today I will be reading chapter one of the Firework Maker’s daughter to you - please follow and read with me. We will be practising three different Year 4 reading skills .

Year 4 Weekly home learning for week beginning Monday 20th April

Hello Year 4! Thanks for all your lovely messages last week and pictures. I really enjoy seeing you engaging with all your home learning. It is so important to keep up with all your learning - especially that maths and english!

This week, our focus is on Rocks and soils. Tune into our fieldwork session this morning and make sure you have your soil samples handy. I would love you to send me samples of your work this week in an email please - especially your English and maths work.

Here are your weekly activities that you can do any time during the week. Don’t forget also to keep reading and to take quizzes on accelerated reader. See if you can work towards that target!

print screen mon 20th april new.png

Year 4 Monday 20th March Home learning


Let’s take part in our fieldwork session about Soil! First Link below to the live lesson homepage - beginning at 9.30 Monday. Have your soil ready! YEAR 4 UPDATE! SORRY - THE SESSION STARTS AT 10.30!!!


We are nearing the end of our multiplication and division unit. Its time to tackle the exciting challenge of dividing larger numbers this week. Let’s start by the lesson below. Today you do the activities as you watch the video - you will need to pause the screen when I say, to complete the activity. then play - and mark. No cheating!!


I am excited to say that we are starting our 3rd class novel ‘The Firework Maker’s Daughter.’ We are going to be practising MANY DIFFERENT year 4 reading skills this week that help us become readers who analyse for good understanding. It is really important you keep up with this each day so you do not fall behind!

Today is a very short lesson in Active Reading - just looking at the the Front and back cover and making some predictions. Also pre-learning some vocabulary that will come up in the first chapter!