'When God is your friend, you are never alone.'

Throughout our class worships and reflections this week, we have been thinking about what it means to be a friend of Jesus. We have listened to scripture and stories about Saint Peter and how he trusted Jesus even in moments where he was afraid. This led us to think about how we can be a friend of Jesus and how we can try to follow in his footsteps. We heard that Jesus had given Peter a special job which was to tell everyone about Him. We thought about how we can share God’s message by trying to follow in his footsteps and sharing this by shining our light brightly for others. This is something that we are already very good at in Reception, but we have made it our mission to see how many different ways we can shine; from simple acts of kindness that show love and compassion towards ourselves and others to trying to be the best versions of ourselves.

Reception, you are so good at shining your light at school, how will you continue to shine outside of school?

Fylde Rangers

During the next half term, Reception will be taking part in Ranger activities which will be led by the Fylde Rangers. This is a brilliant opportunity to learn more about the wildlife and habitats in our local area and to explore exciting new skills.

This week, Reception have been upcycling plastic waste such as yoghurt pots and water bottles and the rangers have shown us how we can easily re-use these and turn them into bird feeders and planters. In Reception we are always thinking about ways we can look after our local environment, God’s world and creatures so this was a very exciting activity for us to be part of.

Each Thursday children can come to school in their PE kits as these is more comfortable and practical for the activities. For safety, hair should be tied up.

Thank you!

Let’s Celebrate…

Co-operative Roger Robin: Rose!
Rose, you are just a thoughtful and caring friend to everyone in our class and you recognise how important it is to treat others with kindness. Everyday you walk in with a big smile and lots of enthusiasm for the day ahead. Thank you for always shining your light so brightly and for being a wonderful role model for our class and school. We know you will continue to shine brightly throughout the rest of your journey.
Well done Rose!

Determined Sadie Spider: Theo!
Theo, it has been wonderful to see how you are growing during your Reception journey and how much you are enjoying growing your brain along the way! The determination you have shown towards your writing has been brilliant. This determination has helped you to keep growing and is a wonderful tool that will help you as you continue throughout the rest of your learning journey
Well done Theo!

Whole School Virtues - Generous and Grateful: Poppy!
Poppy, you have such a generous nature and are always demonstrating just how much you think of others by showing compassion, taking the time to listen to your friends and by going out of your way to do something for them that makes them smile. What’s special is that you do all of these things because you genuinely care and it’s lovely to see how happy and proud you feel when you are generous towards others. We are lucky to have you as such a wonderful role model.
Well done Poppy!

Lunch Time Awards:

We also have lunch time certificates which are awarded by the lunch time team to those children who they see being wonderful role models and using marvelous manors:

This weeks role model: Rose!

This weeks marvelous manners: Jack!

Thank you both for being such wonderful role models and for remembering those acts of kindness everyday!

Important Information and Upcoming Events:

  • Reception Fylde Ranger Trip to Fairhaven Lake
    Thursday 11th July 2024
    Reception will be travelling to Fairhaven Lake by coach and will enjoy activities led by the Fylde Rangers as part of our Ranger experience. We will be continuing to learn about local animals and their habitats, rivers and estuaries.

    School will provide a packed lunch for children to take (choice of sandwich, fruit, crisps and water). Packed lunches from home are not necessary; however, if your child usually brings a lunch from home and you would prefer that they brought a one for the trip, please email Mrs Hartley.

    On this day children will need:
    - To wear their PE kit
    - Suitable footwear (trainers)
    - Suitable coat (weather dependent)
    - A small backpack to carry their lunch in
    - Hair tied back & Earrings removed
    - Gloves and wellies (these should be in school and will be taken with us)

    The Fylde Ranger visits and activities have been paid for by school however; we kindly ask for a small payment towards transport for our trip. This will be shared on Parent Pay.

    Thank you for your support.

    If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact Mrs Hartley

Have a lovely weekend,
God Bless,
The Reception team