'Welcome one another, as Christ has welcomed you'. - Romans 15:7

It’s been another exciting week in Reception with another ‘once upon a time’ adventure! This week we have been exploring the story of the Three Little Pigs. The children have continued to amaze us with their use of our vocabulary, even applying previously learnt words to new stories showing an even deeper understanding.

Take a look at this weeks vocabulary…

What have we been learning this week…

RE: This week we have heard the story of Jesus welcoming the children. We have thought about how Jesus welcomes and cares for everyone and how we can feel close to him. We talked about how we can talk to Jesus by saying prayers and looked at special places around our school where we can find calm spaces to say our prayers.

Literacy: This week we have been reading the story of the ‘The Three Little Pigs’. We read the story together and learnt some new vocabulary which we acted out to help us remember the meaning. Over the week we explored a character, the setting and then we adapted the story to make it our own, whilst using our phonics knowledge to add labels to our pictures. We are becoming even more imaginative with our story telling and ideas and have thought of some very creative houses that the three pigs could build to protect themselves from the wolf!

Maths: This week we have helped the numberblocks find their ‘numberling’ (numeral) and have been practising our subitising skills. This helps us to see smaller amounts (like a dice pattern) really quickly and without having to count.

Let’s Celebrate…

Each week children across the school are celebrated for demonstrating our learning characters and our school virtues. They are celebrated in class and in our Friday assemblies.

Determined Sadie Spider and Cooperative Roger Robin: Kian!
Kian, we have been so proud of you this half term. The determination you have shown in phonics has been excellent and you are becoming even speedier with your sounds and blending. You have continued to grow in confidence and is was lovely seeing you use this to help and support friends around you with their sounds and reading. Keep being determined Kian, and thank you for being such a good friend to others.
Well done Kian!

Enthusiastic Bobby Bee: Hector!
Hector, is it wonderful watching you grow in confidence with your reading and writing and to see how much you are enjoying this journey. This week you challenged yourself to write a sentence; you listened carefully to the sounds you could hear and the enthusiasm and smile on your face when you read it back was just magical. We cant wait to see what you write next!
Well done Hector!

Whole School Virtue - Eloquent and Truthful: Rose!
Rose, you speak so beautifully with your friends and teachers in school and you are honest and eloquent in your words and choices. Thank you for always offering to help others and for taking such good care of our learning envrionment.
Well done Rose!

Lunch time awards:

We also have lunch time certificates which are awarded by the lunch time team to those children who they see being wonderful role models and using marvelous manors:

This weeks role model: Alex!
Alex you are kind, caring and patient and are a wonderful role model for our class. Thank you for being such a brilliant role model for others too.
Well done Alex!

This weeks marvelous manors: Poppy!
Poppy, you always remember to use kind manors with your friends and teachers and this puts such a big smile on peoples faces. Thank you for sharing this kindness with others too.
Well done Poppy!

Important notices and reminders:

  • If your child has an achievement or something they wish to share they are welcome to bring it on their house teams day:

    Mondays: Bamber (Yellow team)
    Tuesday: Harcourt (Blue team)
    Thursday: Marsden (Green team)
    Friday: Plessington (Red team)

    (Please note this is not compulsory and doesn’t have to be each week, it is only if they have something they wish to share).

    If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact Mrs Hartley

Have a lovely weekend
God Bless,
The Reception team