Reception Blog 25.2.22

Our classroom has been buzzing with excitement this week, the children have come back ready to grow there brains. Our concentration and resilience are improving all the time and we are always amazed by the questions and ideas the children think of. We have focused our worships on being generous and grateful. How can we be generous with our love towards others? We have challenged ourselves to fill our kindness jar with hearts, I think you’d all be really proud of the examples of kindness we have seen and heard this week.

We have had an exciting week retelling the story of Jack and the Beanstalk after a giant came to visit our classroom. Luckily he didn’t eat any children, even though he was very hungry and quite grumpy!

The giant asked us to draw a picture of what we thought his castle looked like. We had fun creating castles in the small and large construction too. We painted a huge giant for our classroom, and sprinkled a little bit of magic and before we knew it we had a sleeping giant that nobody wanted to wake up. We found out our classroom giant doesn’t liked reading! How does he grow his brain? We decided to cover the giant in words that described him we had to tip toe up the ladder very quietly so we didn’t wake him up. (Have a look at the pictures above).

We have created story map together to help us retell the story, we look forward to sharing this with you next week. Maybe your child could teach you this weekend.

Below are some of the books we have enjoyed this week, perhaps you could have a trip to the library and see if you can find any books with familiar stories with alternative characters or settings.

In Read Write Inc this week we have learnt one new sound ‘air - that’s not fair’ and recapped all the Set 2 sounds we have learnt so far. We have been reading and writing some very tricky words this week, the class are trying so hard with such enthusiasm. Please keep up all your reading at home!

Let’s Celebrate

Logan is a Curious Clara Clownfish - For inspiring our learning this week with your interesting questions about the giant. You have shared your knowledge with others and been interested to find out more! Well done Logan!

Xander is a Co-operative Roger Robin - We have been really impressed to see you trying your very best to use kind hands and kind words all week. You have played wonderfully with others, both inside and outside this week, especially in our small world area. Well done Xander!

Important notices

World book day - Next Thursday 3rd March and we will be celebrating its 25th anniversary! For this day, we would like to invite the children to dress up as their favourite book characters, it would be great if the children could bring the book also with them, so they can share this with the rest of the class.

Parent Meetings - If you haven’t already, please book your Parent meeting via the newsletter on the discovery page. These meetings will be held on Wednesday 9th March and Wednesday 23rd March from 2:30pm - 5:30pm.

Have a lovely weekend, hopefully the sun will keep shining for you all,

The Reception Team