Year 1 Weekly Blog 9.2.24 'Today a reader tomorrow a leader'

‘Today a reader tomorrow a leader’

Margaret Fuller

Wow I can’t believe we are at the end of another half term already! We have noticed that all the children have made lots of progress this half term and I’m excitied to see how much progress we will will make next half term. This week has been very busy with two Phonics stay and plays, online safety week, mental health week, not forgetting our big spelling test.

In RE we have learnt about Zacchaeus, and how he changed when he met Jesus, we enjoyed listening to the song Zacchaeus and making up our own actions to the songs. We thought about how he would feel meeting Jesus and what it would be like for him to stay at his house.At first Zacchaeus took lots of money from the people he wasn’t making good choices, but after talking to Jesus he gave the money back. It felt great helping others and making good choices.

On Monday we have our gardening enrichment afternoon with Mrs Hotchkiss, we had so much fun!

English: We have continued to retell and write the story of where the wild things are. After half term we will mark and assess our own work then write the story again changing the characters and the setting.

Phonics Stay and Play

Thank you so much for coming to the stay and play. Working together makes a huge difference, I hope you enjoyed it and the information was helpful and gives you lots of ideas how to help your child become afluent reader. If you have any questions or would like more information please email me. The children loved seeing you, both mornings were a huge sucess. They are very excited about the reading certificates, and if they start today they will have filled ten boxes when we return to school after half term. The link below will take you to the help your child page where all the resources and the Powerpoint are avalible.

National Internet Safety Day

This week will talked about how we can stay safe online and created our own online safety posters. We were quite shocked that a few games we play at home were not suitable for our age! We researched a few games and found that there were lots of fun games that we can play. There is lots on Purple Mash you can look yourself they don’t need to be set as homework. We know if something happens that we tell our trusted grown ups and they can help us. We went on Purple Mash and played a game and we drew a picture of how we felt linking with Mental Health Week.

Mental Health Week:

The theme this year is My Voice Matters. We read lots of different stories and created a picture swirl and drew all the things that were important to us and that we liked. They are brilliant. We discussed what we can do when we are feeling worried and upset and how talking to others can make us feel better.

Lenten Boxes

In the lead up to Lent, we have been thinking about how we can support others in our local community. It has become an Our Lady’s tradition to make and swap Lenten boxes. This year, each Year 1 child will make a Lenten box that they will give to their buddy in Year 4. Year 4 will also be making a Lenten box for Year 1.

We kindly ask that these boxes are made during the half term break and brought back to school by Wednesday 21st February. Year 1 have brought home a note today to give them some ideas for decorating the Lenten box for their buddy.

Once swapped, these Lenten boxes can be used to collect donations for acts of kindness.

Let’s Celebrate:

Lunchtime awards:

Well done to Daniel for being a Role Model and Freddie for his Marvellous Manners

Well done to our certificate awardees: These children were voted by the class with a focus being on progress, some of the comments were their handwriting is neat, they always sit smartly and they work hard. We agree, it is lovely that the other children have noticed these things too.

This person is taking Henry home for her reading, you are working so hard and are becoming a speedy reader well done :).

Upcoming dates and Reminders:

World Book Day - 7th March.
Children are invited to come to school dressed as their favourite book character. As part of our book day celebration, all children in school are asked to bring a magical object that we can use in class to create stories. This could be a special stone, shell, feather etc. We look forward to making some creative stories with these

Parents’s Meetings

In a few weeks we will have our parent meetings please go on Mrs Gregan’s blog to book your appointment with me.

The available appointments will be on:

Wednesday 13th March - from 2.00pm until 5.20pm

Wednesday 20th March - from 2.00pm until 5.20pm

  • Polite reminder that all children across school should bring water in their bottles and not juice. This is something that we discuss regularly in school as part of our discussions about healthy snacks and healthy lunches.

  • Please can you bring/keep spare uniform in bags, as the weather has been wet recently, children have fallen over in puddles and it can sometimes be tricky finding spare uniform for them in the right size.

If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact me at:

Thank you for all of your support 

Have a lovely half term break

Miss Drummond, Mrs Carragher and Mrs Davis