'Children's imagination is the most powerful tool they possess.'

We’ve had a brilliant week in Reception and the children have enjoyed being creative with stories, characters, settings and problems. Over the next few weeks we will be exploring a variety of traditional tales and this week, we began with Jack and the Beanstalk. The children have impressed us with their imagination and determination and created some very detailed pieces of work. Take a look at the new vocabulary that we have learnt this week.
Reception, can you teach your grown ups these words and actions at home?!

What have we been learning this week…

RE: This week we have been reflecting on the three kings. We discussed how we would share an important message and how God used the brightest star in the sky to make sure the three kings new that baby Jesus had been born. Then we thought about the journey that they took and why it was so important for them to travel such a long way. We reflected on the gifts that they took with them and the significance they had. Together, we have learnt the Glory Be prayer which gives thanks to God. We have decided that we would like to start our day with this prayer.

Literacy: This week we introduced ‘Drawing Club’ and we have loved it! We began with the story ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’, which we read together as a class. Then we learnt some new vocabulary which we acted out to help us remember the meaning. Over the week we explored a character, the setting and then we adapted the story to make it our own. We have had lots of fun with this story this week and have enjoyed acting it out and retelling it in lots of different ways.

Maths: This week we continued to explore the composition of number, specifically numbers three and four. We explored the different ways that these numbers can be split into parts for example, three can be split into two and one, or one and two but the whole is still three. We practised this by making these amounts out of different resources and splitting them into parts.

Understanding the World: This half term our new topic is ‘Once upon a time’ and this week we thought about what that could be referring to. We had all heard this phrase at the start of a story but then we dug a little deeper and thought about how it could be referring to different periods of time. We investigate a variety of pictures and discussed what we thought they might be and how we could tell they were from the past.

As part of this topic we will be thinking about time and exploring past and present. We would love to do this by looking at pictures of ourselves in order to investigate how we have changed over time. Thank you very much for the pictures that have been sent so far, the children are really looking forward to sharing these. This will be ongoing throughout this half term so there is still time to send a picture. If you would like to, please email a baby picture of your child to: s.hartley@ourladystarofthesea.lancs.sch.uk

Let’s Celebrate…

Each week children across the school are celebrated for demonstrating our learning characters and our school virtues. They are celebrated in class and in our Friday assemblies.

Brave Tommy Turtle: Jack!
Jack, we have seen you become a brave learner this week by putting your hand up to join in with our class discussion and share your ideas. You shared your thoughts on how you are a brave learner in school and it was lovely to see that you have recognised this too.
Well done Jack!

Kiki Creative Chameleon: Eliza!
Eliza, you have a wonderful imagination and this week you have used this to think of creative games and stories that you have role played with brilliant enthusiasm. You’ve thought about how different resources can be used as props and it was lovely to see you find roles to include all of your Reception friends who showed an interest in you stories and ideas. You made sure everyone was included and had a part to play in the story.
Well done Eliza!

Whole School Virtue - Eloquent and truthful: Hector!
Hector, you recognise how important it is to be kind and caring towards other and we notice all those times you help your friends and how you do this with such encouragement. You think about the way you speak, the words you use and this helps to make our classroom a wonderful place to be.
Thank you Hector!

Lunch time awards:

We also have lunch time certificates which are awarded by the lunch time team to those children who they see being wonderful role models and using marvelous manors:

This weeks role model: Marcel!
Marcel you have shown what a wonderful role model you are and have set a brilliant example for others.
Well done Marcel!

This weeks marvelous manors: Rebecca!
Kind words and manors are so important and it’s wonderful to see you always remembering to use these with people around you.
Thank you Rebecca!

Important notices and reminders:

  • Reception Stay & Play - Spring 2 Term
    We are delighted to invite grown ups back into school for our next stay and play sessions. Please click on the button below, enter your child’s name and select your preferred date and time. As with the previous stay and play session, we kindly ask that you select and attend one of the dates so that we can plan for staffing and ratios. If you able to attend either of the dates, please select this option. This would be gratefully appreciated as it would help us to allow for more evenly split groups.

    We are looking forward to welcoming you into our classroom and showing you what we have been busy with this term!

  • Some children in Reception are beginning to show an interest in sharing achievements, talents and things they may have made at home with their class in school. This is a wonderful thing and we always encourage them to be proud of these accomplishments and to share and inspire others. In order to make it fair and ensure we have time for everyone, we will allocate certain days to each house team so they have an opportunity each week if they do wish to share something. This might be a piece of writing they have done at home, a musical talent, a certificate / medal from a sport outside of school or even a family photo from a special family event that they wish to tell their class about etc.
    (We kindly ask that toys/teddies from home are not included in show and tell.)

    If your child has an achievement or something they wish to share they are welcome to bring it on their house teams day:

    Mondays: Bamber (Yellow team)
    Tuesday: Harcourt (Blue team)
    Thursday: Marsden (Green team)
    Friday: Plessington (Red team)

    (Please note this is not compulsory and doesn’t have to be each week, it is only if they have something they wish to share).

    If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact Mrs Hartley

Have a lovely weekend
God Bless,
The Reception team