'You cannot reap a harvest without planting a seed. God's word is the seed. Plant it in your heart. Water it, watch it grow and bring forth fruit.'

Thank you so much for all of your generous donations for Fylde Foodbank.
Reception were thrilled to see how much they had collected and to hear how this act of kindness and generosity will help others in need.
Thank you.

What have we been learning this week…

RE: This week we have been thinking about creation. We began our activity with a lovely discussion about who made us. We talked about how God has made each and every one of us and that we are all special. We used the word ‘unique’ to describe how we are different and talked about what things make us different. We looked closely at our fingerprints and were amazed to hear that they are also unique to us and that nobody else in the whole world has the same fingerprints as us. We decided to create a unique picture using our fingerprints. We are now busy thinking about how we can show love to God’s world, each other and ourselves.

Phonics: This week we have learnt to read and write the sounds g and o. and thought of words for Fred’s book that begin with these sounds. We have also taken some time to consolidate all of the sounds we have learnt so far and we are becoming very speedy with our letter recognition! We have begun to blend these sounds into words using magnetic letters and have been doing lots of oral segmenting.

Communication and language: This week we continued to reflect on the story of the colour monster and thought about things that make us feel happy, sad, scared, angry, confused, calm and loved. We created our own colour monsters which we have begun to display in our class floor book and in our room.

KidSafe - This week our KidSafe focus has been unkind actions. We talked about how unkind words or actions might make ourselves or others feel and what we should do. We practised saying the word “STOP” loudly and clearly whilst putting the palm of our hand out infornt of us in a stop signal. We also talked about the importance of listening to someone if they say stop, and that we must stop straight away.
Please see the letter below for more information.

Parents Meetings

Polite reminder that virtual parents meetings are still available to book via Mrs Gregan’s newsletter. These will take place on Friday 20th October. This will be a chance to talk about how your child has settled into school, what learning they have been enjoying so far and it will be an opportunity for you to ask any questions that you might have.

Let’s Celebrate…

Each week children across the school are celebrated for demonstrating our learning characters and our school virtues. They are celebrated in class and in our Friday assemblies.

Cooperative Roger Robin: Mia!
Mia, you have shown us that you recognise how important it is to be to be a cooperative Roger Robin and you do this brilliantly by working as a team. We have noticed how much care and respect you show towards your environment and how you treat your classmates with kindness and compassion. Mia you are a wonderful role model, thank you for sharing these kind actions within our classroom.
Well done Mia!

Focused Cooper Crab: Rose!
Rose, we have been so impressed with your positive attitude towards phonics and learning to read. We can see that you are being a focused Cooper Crab and how that’s helping you to grow your brain. It’s lovely to see how you have noticed this too! Learning to read is such an exciting adventure and this attitude and focus will help you greatly on your journey.
Well done Rose!

Whole School Virtue - Active: Bertie!
Bertie, each day you actively make good choices that help you to focus and you are always ready for another day of learning. Not only do you make good choices for yourself, but we have seen how you do this for others to by showing kindness and giving support and encouragement. Thank you for being so conscientious and active with your choices and for helping others.
Well done Bertie!

Important reminders:

  • Well done to Blue Harcourt who received the most house points this half term. As a special celebration, children in Blue Harcourt can come to school in their own blue clothes on the last day of half term which is Wednesday 18th October.

  • Polite reminder to ensure that all uniform is labelled. We have a few items (cardigan and PE jacket) that have been left in class with no name on. Please let me know if your child is missing either of these items.

  • Reception have now begun their art lessons with Miss Neves which they are thoroughly enjoying! Over the year, they will be using a variety of media and will need to bring in a large t-shirt or shirt that can be worn over their uniforms in order to keep them as clean as possible. We would be grateful if these could be sent into school as soon as possible with their name clearly labelled.

    If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact Mrs Hartley

Have a wonderful weekend
God Bless,
The Reception team