‘The courage to soar to great heights is in all of us.’

This half term is certainly flying by and this week, we (the Reception team!) have all said how proud we are of the class and how much they have flourished and grown in confidence throughout the year. It really is amazing how much they have achieved.

As we have been discussing the transition into Year 1, we can see just how ready they are for this next challenge and we know they will do brilliantly. We are really enjoying our final few weeks together as a Reception group, squeezing in even more ‘brain growing’!

What have we been learning this week?

Maths: In Maths, we have been reflecting on all the knowledge that we have developed throughout our Reception journey and have been playing lots of games and activities to make sure this is secure and we are ready for Year 1! Our aim is to become speedy with our number bonds to 5 and have a good understanding of the patterns between numbers. This week we took a closer look at doubles and thought about what makes a double. When exploring different doubles, we used the STEM sentence, ‘10 is made of 5 and 5, DOUBLE 5 is 10!’. Can you think of some other doubles and use the sentence to practise at home: ‘_____ is made of ____ and ____. DOUBLE _____ is ______!’

RE: This week in RE we thought about God’s church and what it means to be part of the church family and community. We reflected on what makes a church special and how we are all part of God’s family. We also enjoyed a trip to church for the Feast of St Peter and St Paul on Thursday and of course we were thrilled to be walking with our wonderful Year 6 buddies! As part of our class worship we reflected on our ten class commandments and how these help us to follow in God’s footsteps. Reception, can you tell your grown ups these at home?

Computing: This week, we have enjoyed exploring the computing programme ‘Purple Mash’ which is a tool we use to teach computing lessons across school. We have already practised logging in and play a bumble bee programming game in order to input and follow directions. We will soon be sharing the log in details and the children are already excited for some Purple Mash challenges that they can complete at home. These will be shared with you soon!

Reception Stay and Play!

We are really excited to invite grown ups in for our Summer term Stay and Play!

There will be only two sessions (Tuesday 11th July / Wednesday 12th July) with approximately 15 spaces on each session.

These have been opened as a booking system for you to select the most convenient date. Please know that when we arrange these events in school, we always try to do so in the fairest way possible but we also need to be mindful of numbers, staffing and other events around school. If you are able to attend on one of these dates, please click on the button bellow and we will do our best to accommodate your preferred session.

Thank you for your understanding.

Let’s Celebrate!

Focused Cooper Crab: Momo!
Momo, it’s been so lovely welcoming you into our school family and it feels like you’ve been here all year! We have been so impressed with how you have settled into our routines and learning and your focus has really helped you to grow your brain! In every task, challenge and activity, you set yourself a goal and keep focused until you achieve it. Your writing is a perfect example of this. You have taken your time to think about all of the sounds that we have learnt and have applied these beautifully to your sentences.
Well done Momo!

Focused Cooper Crab: Benji!
Benji, you have been so focused during your writing challenges in Literacy and phonics this week. We can see just how much you have grown your brain with all of these new sounds and it’s brilliant to see you using them in your writing as well. You take your time with your handwriting and are always so proud when we read what you have written!
 Well done Benji!

Butterfly Virtue - Intentional: Ben!
Ben, you demonstrated your calm and respectful intentions when we visited church for Mass on Thursday. We could see that you had listened carefully to Mrs Gregan and your teachers when we spoke about how church and worship is a time to be calm and peaceful. Mrs Summersall and other grownups noticed how still and respectful you were in church and how this helped to make the people around you feel calm too.
Thank you for being a great role model Ben!

Important Notices & Polite Reminders:

  • As the weather is a little unpredictable at the moment please can you ensure your child has a sun hat and a rain coat in school everyday. Outdoor play is such a big part of our curriculum and we like to be outside as much as possible, even if it’s a little rainy!

    As always, if you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact via email - s.hartley@ourladystarofthesea.lancs.sch.uk

Wishing you all a wonderful half term break,
God Bless.

The Reception Team