‘A smile is happiness you’ll find right under your nose.’

My wonderful Year 1 families and children, all I can say is thank you. Thank you for being so understanding, thank you for your kindness and thank you for your continued support. Myself and the Year 1 Team are so upset and disappointed that our bubble has popped, but I am so grateful we got so close to the end of the year!

This week in year one, we have celebrated each day with a special treat. This weeks treats have included having a Bubble Boogie, and meeting their Year 2 teacher….Miss Woodend! Miss Woodend joined us for an English lesson on Wednesday and was so impressed with the children’s writing. The children were going to visit the Year 2 classroom next Tuesday, to get to know Miss Woodend and Mrs Connolly a little better and to see their new classroom. Sadly, this can no longer happen. However, Miss Woodend is going to film a little video message for the children instead.

From Monday you will be able to find me on the Remote Learning blog. I will be doing daily videos and challenges for the children to do. As this is the last week of the school year, the learning is going to be extra exciting, creative and fun. I aim to make it as independent as possible too! The children have got some maths workshets and resources for their upcoming learning next week. So if you’re wondering what they are, all will be explained on Monday.

What have we been learning this week?

In English, the children have written a persuasive letter to the Train Conductor of Sodor They were writing to convince him that their train is the best train to join his team! When I read the children's writing I find it hard not to cry. They have become such confident and creative writers - it’s magical.

In Maths this week, the children have learned to tell the time to the hour and to the half hour. Please could the children practise this over the weekend with the clocks they made for home learning last week.

In History the children rebuilt London, after the Great Fire. They used their knowledge of how the fire spread to redesign the narrow streets and cramped housing.



Enthusiastic Bobby Bee: For buzzing with enthusiasm for growing your brain! Finley, you love to learn and have made the most of every learning opportunity this week. Your enthusiasm for learning is infectious and you spread your joy, just as much as you share your smile! Well done Finley, you are so ready to grow your brain in Year 2!

Reflective Lizzie Ladybird: For challenging yourself with your writing! Tommy, your writing this week has been AMAZING! I was so impressed to read your creative sentences, using ‘because’ and cursive handwriting too!  I am so proud of how hard you have  pushed yourself to improve and now nothing will stop you! Well done Tommy!


  • The children have been given their reports early. I am so proud of the children and the amazing progress they have made this year. I hope you enjoy reading these together and celebrating their brilliant brains and kind hearts.

  • The children will be bringing home their art shirts today. Mrs Curtis has asked that you give them a wash and keep them for next academic year.

I hope you have a lovely weekend (inside) and fingers crossed football’s coming home!

God Bless,

Miss Lane and the Year 1 Team