This week

Wow, what a week! We have all been so very busy!

Our Spring walk

On Monday we went on a spring walk looking for signs of Spring. We were looking closely for any differences in the nursery garden and around the school. We spotted sticky buds on the trees, lots of daffodils, crocus, and hyacinths growing every where, we even heard bird song. Click here to watch a short video.

We decided that we would paint spring flower pictures for a display in nursery. We also thought it would be a good idea to put blossom on the winter branches we have in our classroom. Watch this space, our display will be ready for next week. Perhaps you could look for signs of spring in your garden.

Shrove Tuesday

On Tuesday we found out about Shrove Tuesday. We talked about getting ready for Lent and why we eat pancakes. Click here to watch a short video.

In the afternoon we made our own dough and practiced tossing pancakes in the garden. They went everywhere, even on a friends head. It was such great fun!

At snack time we ate some real pancakes ( not the ones that had been on the floor!). We sprinkled sugar and lemon on them…they were yummy! Mmmmmm!

Ash Wednesday

On Wednesday we started our journey to the cross. We read the Gospel about Jesus being tempted in the desert. We learned that after being baptised by John the Baptist, Jesus was tempted by the devil after 40 days and nights of fasting in the desert. The tempter then departed and Jesus returned to Galilee to begin his ministry. click here to watch a short video.

When Mrs. Gregan and the school came back from Mass we all received our Ashes. Father Peter said the ashes mark on our forehead was like a badge to show everyone that we were Christians…a bit like our Team Jesus badges.

After lunch we swapped our Lenten Boxes with our partner class (Year 3).We are hopeful that we can have another bumper year collecting for Cafod.

Story time at the library

Also on Wednesday we all took a trip to St Annes library for story time. We lsitened to lots of stories but our favourites were:

The Whales on the bus- click here

The Suitcase- click here

Read Write Inc

We been so busy this week we have not managed to meet our next set of sounds! We have so many to remember now it would be great if you could keep practising at home. Click below to find our what Geraldine Giraffe has to say.

j - click here

v - click here

w - click here

Wolfs coming!

Our favourite story ever! When we went for our Spring walk we played wolf’s coming in the school castle. When the children heard ‘wolf’s coming we had to all run the the castle and hide….arghhhhh!

If you haven’t read the story click here

Our Charity Dress up week!

Such a joyous, fabulous week and that is down to all of you! Thank you SO VERY MUCH. Everyone had enjoyed dressing up this week and we have been blown away by your generosity. We have raised £289.42 for the Little Hearts Matter Charity, which is truly fantastic.

About Little Hearts Matter

Little Hearts Matter is the only charity in the UK dedicated to supporting and empowering anyone affected by the diagnosis of a single ventricle heart condition – or half a working heart. They support families along every step of their journey, from initial diagnosis, through treatments and into life at home.

Their mission is to provide a support and information service that reduces the isolation, fear and the lack of understanding experienced by families when a child is diagnosed with having half a working heart.

Your kindness and willingness to get involved will help this wonderful charity to support children just like our friend Annie.

Emma’s blog

Hello everyone, 

We have had a wonderful week and the weather as been great the sun has been shining, which has been great for learning outside.

We have been on spring walks to the library, looking for signs of spring, and to top it off, the children have had a fantastic week dressing up for Annie's charity, Little Hearts Matter. Thank you everyone for joining in. It has been lovely seeing all the children dressed up as different characters, from cheeky monkeys, a nurse, super heroes to princesses and many more.

Thank you nursery children, and year 3, for the wonderful Lenten boxes. The children are so grateful for their boxes, and can't wait to fill them with money for being helpful at home.

 We have been looking at our new number 6 this week, and the children have been rolling the big dice to find number 6. They had a go at copying the 6 pattern on the dice on to paper using dabber pens. It was tricky as the children got a little carried away with the experience of using the pens.

Here is a matching number game, enjoy!  Click here

Have a lovely weekend, and keep your fingers crossed for the sun to stay out. 

See you all next week  


Michelle’s blog

Hello everyone and welcome to this week's blog.

We have had such a glorious week dressing up each day for the charity Little Hearts Matter. Thank you all for your generous donations and we have loved all your costumes.

We have had a really busy week! We met with our partner class Year 3 to swap our Lenten boxes for the children to collect their Lenten promises.

We have enjoyed lots of stories this week, including stories at St Annes library.

We have continued to practise recognising the patterns on the dice as we played snakes and ladders. We have also had fun working on maths stories trying to make 6 lots of different ways.

Our learning continued as we learnt new letter sounds. We have nearly learnt all of them, thank you to everyone who is supporting the children at home with this.

On Wednesday we joined up with Reception for our Workout Wednesday as we built big obstacle courses in both our garden and the Reception garden too. 

We continue to practice our funky fingers as this week we tried a Buzz Wire game where we had to have a steady hand and not set the buzzer off. It was very tricky so we are going to keep practicing.

We finished the week by going on a nature walk and looking for signs of spring. We were excited to see lots of flowers popping up all around school. We can't wait to get busy gardening so we can plant some more.

Have a lovely weekend and we will see you next week.


World Book Day

World Book Day 2025 took place this Thursday!

It is an annual celebration of authors, illustrators, books and the joy of reading.

World Book Day provides a fantastic opportunity to focus on reading for pleasure, and by embedding a habit of reading that brings a wide range of benefits.

We had a great day reading our favourite stories and our partner class even came to join in the fun after lunch!

Phew! I wasn’t joking when I said we had a busy week!

I think everyone has earned a well deserved rest this weekend. Fire up the BBQ if the sun shines.

Thank you again from the bottom of my heart.

Stay safe and God bless
