A great week at nursery! We have been busy tidying the garden in preparation for planting in a few weeks. We have also noticed signs of Spring! We have noticed the daffodils and snowdrops in the nursery garden…warmer days are on the way.
In this weeks Gospel we explored the word ‘follow’ and what Jesus is asking when he said to Peter that they should be fishers of people. We read from Luke 5:1-11and watched a short video to help us understand the miraculous catch of fish the fishermen landed after following Jesus’ instructions click here to watch. We discussed what a ‘miracle’ is (an unusual or wonderful event that is believed to be caused by the power of God) and if have ever witnessed one.
We learnt that it is important to make the right choice about who or what we follow. Jesus asks each and everyone of us to make following Him our most important priority and that is what we have tried to do this week.
Spa afternoon
On Wednesday afternoon we had a relaxing spa afternoon. We transformed nursery into a Zen area with candles lavender diffusers and dimmed lights. We started by engaging in mindfulness and yoga activities. We then took turns to soak our feet in warm bubbly water and massage our friends hands with soothing hand cream. Everyone was beginning to feel a bit sleepy so we laid down on squishy mats, closed our eyes and placed cool slices of cucumber on them whilst listening to tranquil music….it was sooooo lovely. I hope everyone had a good nights sleep.
Michelle’s blog
Hello everyone and welcome to this week's blog
We have had such a lovely, chilled week this week as we have enjoyed our very own spa day. This was a lovely experience for the children as we pampered our friends with a hand massage.
We have continued to develop our fundamental movement skills in PE, concentrating this week on throwing and catching and hopping.
Hopping on one leg is really tricky. Why don't you challenge your child to a hopping race. You can do this anywhere and it's giving your child some much needed practice.
We have also met some new letter sounds this week and have worked hard d to remember these. We have also had time to practice writing these sounds as well.
Our learning has continued as we consolidated our understanding of number five. We have had a go at throwing the dice and saying which number it lands on without counting the spots. This is tricky so any games involving using a dice will help your child to subitise.
Finally, thank you to everyone who has booked appointments for Parents Day on the 14th February. If you haven't, then I do still have a couple of slots available.
Have a lovely weekend
Emma’s blog
Hello everyone,
We have had a fabulous week of learning. The children have had fun making 5 with their fingers, working out that we can make 5 in different ways. For example 2 on one hand and 3 fingers on the other hand make 5, or 4 and 1 make 5.
The children have been giving each other high 5s, and they have even been drawing around their hands and printing high 5s on their floor book, which looks great. Here is a game I think you will like. Can you feed the teddy 5 or less cakes. Click here.
I'm looking forward to showing you the children’s floor book on Parents Day, as the children have worked so hard. They have really enjoyed getting involved with their book.
We have also been practicing writing some of the sounds that we are leaning. They are tricky, but the children have enjoyed trying to have a go. It really helps to say the rhymes that go with sounds, as this will help the children to learn to write the letters as well as learning the sounds.
I can't believe next week is our last week before we break up for half term. Time flies when you are having so much fun.
Have a wonderful weekend, and see you all on Monday.
Numberblocks 5- Holes
For the children who are ready for a challenge! Here’s a short video about addition, subtraction and number bonds to 5. Five and friends discover a hole that makes their heads fall off! Learn how to count up and down and how to add to five with this video. Click here.
Parent Day
This term Parent Day is being held on Friday 14th February. Key persons will be available all day (9.00 am - 3.30 pm) so please sign up for a time slot (20 minutes per family) throughout the day. The appointment sheets will be brought out each evening after school. We look forward to seeing you for a catch up.
Read, write Inc.
This week we have met some more sounds e, l, h, sh, r. The children are getting very good at recognizing the sounds and saying them correctly. We practice them every day! We are still trying to write the sounds and the rhymes are helping. Click on the button below for the sounds placemat to have a practice at home. Don’t forget duck fingers to hold the pencil! Now lets see what Geraldine Giraffe has to say..
Click here for ‘e’
Click here for ‘l’
Click here for ‘h’
Click here for ‘sh’
Click here for ‘r’
Forest School is this Friday. We are hoping to make dens and eat pop corn!! Watch for more on this next week.
Half Term holidays.
School and nursery will be closing for half term on Thursday 13th February and reopening on Tuesday 25th February.
Garden shout out!
If anyone has any seeds, plants or shrubs they are willing to donate to the nursery garden we would be most grateful. Thank you in anticipation.
I hope the suns shines this weekend and we can spend lots of time outdoors. Fingers crossed!
Stay safe and God Bless