Year 5 Homework- Due Thursday 30th January


  1. disappear

  2. enough

  3. natural

  4. busy

  5. breathe

  6. beautiful

  7. frightened

  8. believe

  9. receive

  10. surprise

  11. ancient

  12. curiosity

  13. disastrous

  14. explanation

  15. foreign

Mrs Barker’s group

  1. float

  2. sweets

  3. score

  4. busy

  5. nature

  6. breathe

  7. speak

  8. because

  9. friend

  10. clothes

Punctuation and Grammar

Each week, the children will complete 10 SPAG questions to keep on top of their reading and writing practice.


We have just started our new unit of factors, multiples and primes which is heavily times tables based. Make sure to keep practicing your times tables on TTRS- 5 minutes a day is all you need. Complete the following IXL’s

A10- Writing numbers up to a million: convert digits to words

D7- Multiplication facts