Magic moments
In RE this week we learnt all about the shepherds story. We discussed the sequence of events and how the shepherds may have felt when Angel Gabriel appeared to them. We thought about what happened after they saw baby Jesus and how they might have felt then.
We then discussed which part of the story was most important and why. Was it when the angels appeared, was it seeing baby Jesus, or was it spreading the news after?
Our Nativities for you to come and watch will be held on Wednesday 11th December at 9.30am and Thursday 12th December at 9.30am. Tickets are now available and cost £2 each
It has been a great success with the Travelling Nativity this week, the journal already has some beautiful artwork and I have received many pictures of you enjoying it as a family.
We had another great week of sentence writing in English and I have been so impressed with the adjectives the children are using to describe the characters, they are very imaginative! We have remembered what adjectives and nouns are and have been introduced to some new punctuation to help us with our writing. We wrote a list of adjectives to describe our character crocodile, for this list we used a semi colon and bullet points. Mrs Ely pointed out that this was perfect practise for writing our Christmas lists very soon. We also did a hot seat this week where we pretended to be one of the characters and our friends asked us questions, this was lots of fun.
By speaking with you all at the book looks it was the perfect opportunity to look back and reflect on the progression your children have already made throughout their books. In such a short amount of time the children have really come on in their writing and this is something that is clear to see in each and every child’s book. I hope both yourselves and your children are proud of the hard work that has been put in, I know I am!
We started maths this week by looking at 3D shapes, we were able to name some of the shapes and spot them around our classroom. We then continued our unit of counting to 20, we have used the rekenreks to assist us with our learning and counting and used the terms more than, less than and equal to throughout the week. Our range of vocabulary in maths is great and is really sticking in those ever growing brains.
We continued our study of plants this week, we remembered the different parts of the plant and their jobs and used this knowledge to help us learn all about wild plants. What is a wild plant? Where might you find them? We played a plant detective game where one person chose a wild plant and the other had 5 yes or no questions to ask to guess which one they had chosen. We then looked at the plants that are used as national emblems for the 4 countries in the United Kingdom, this led to us creating our own plants to symbolise our personalities and character.
A conversation starter - is cutting the grass along the side of the road a good or bad thing? Why?
In Geography this week we learnt all about the 7 continents, the children sang along to the continents song and this helped them to remember all of the names. We then looked at the continents on a map, we labelled these and had a look at their borders. We discussed that this is where one continent ends and another begins. To finish off our lesson we looked at two different types of maps, one that showed all 7 continents and one globe. We then discussed the advantages and disadvantages of both.
Conversation starter - can you remember the names of all 7 continents?
Going deeper.
Our happy mind hero this week was Jemima! She helped us to stay happy and calm all week so that we were at our best and ready to learn.
Lets celebrate!
Well done to our certificate winners this week, we have had a determined learner in George and a determined learner in Theo. You have both worked brilliantly this week and we are very proud of you, keep it up.
Our Virtue Star this week goes to…. Jack! You have been so intentional all week, super focused and ready to learn! You are always making the right choices, well done!
Our lunchtime winners this week are Kian and Eliza. Our role model was Eliza and Kian had excellent manners. Well done you two!
Finally a big happy birthday to Mia! We loved celebrating with you in class on Wednesday and hope you celebrate some more over the weekend.
Important information and reminders.
On Monday next week (18th November) at 1pm I will be taking the children out for a walk round St Annes to help inform our Geography and Science lessons this half term. Please ensure your child is wearing comfortable shoes and warm clothing as the temperature seems to keep dropping!
On Tuesday (19th) at 9.30am we are booked in for a visit to the library, I would love to invite some of you to join us. If you are able, please let me know it will be a lovely morning.
A big thank you to those parents that came to our book look on Thursday, it was lovely to see and chat to lots of you about your lovely children. This was appreciated by them too, we had lots of happy and excited faces going back to class once you left!
We had a great day today in our PJs! We started off our morning with a prayer and some relaxing yoga with our teddies. Thank you to those who also sent in money - this is massively appreciated.
I hope you have an enjoyable and restful weekend and look forward to seeing you on Monday morning.