Year 5 Weekly Blog 3.5.24- ' There is no pillow as soft as a clear conscience'

This week in RE, we have taken our discussions of reconciliation and forgiveness further by looking into how we sin and how we use our conscience to make these decisions. The children really reflected on how they use their own conscience and what conversations they have with themselves before making a decision.

We also had our fifth enrichment morning of the school year, with Year 5 taking a trip down to Reception. The class spent the morning with Mrs Hartley for a lesson of German. The children were greeted upon arrival with some traditional German greetings whilst also learning numbers 1-10. They then tested their knowledge via a game of German bingo!

What have we been learning this week?

English- After finishing our independent write up of part 1 of ‘The Highwayman’, we began to dive into part 2. The anticipation has definitely gone up with all the action unfolding- with the children also not knowing what will happen next.

Science- This week, we decided the use our knowledge of the states of matter, including how they change, to practically discover which materials melt and which burn. This led to our discovery of the terminology ‘reversible/irreversible material’ .

History- The deep dive into the history of crime and punishment has taken a gruesome turn as we looked at the period of time when capital punishment was introduced. We examined one of the first hanging cases in England discussed the social and legal protocols behind this type of sentencing.

Deeper thinking questions

Every week now, we would like children to explore their weekly learning at home by discussing interesting questions with family members. This may be at the table during dinner, before bedtime or when out for a walk. However you choose to discuss these questions is up to you but this may give you more of an insight into what we have been learning in class.

Do you think having a jury system is correct? Would you change it?

Has any of your family members/anyone you know been involved in a jury?

Let’s Celebrate

  • Rex for being a resilient learner- Even being the speedster that you are on TT Rockstars, multiplication and division in Year 5 is tricky. At first, you let this get to you but you have persevered through hard work and focus and are really showing progress and fluidity during these lessons.

  • Niamh for being a creative learner- I never knew how much of a computer whizz you were! You have blown me away with your creativeness and your knowledge around purple mash during our game creating unit (Almost making it impossible for me to complete your game). I can not wait to see what your final game will look like.

  • Virtue Butterflies- Our virtues for this half term are learned and wise. Our butterfly goes to Ola for being such a learned person. You are learning every day, both academically and personally. You take in and observe others to process what the right and wrong choice is which has led to you always making the right one.

    Lunchtime Certificates

    • Marvellous Manners- Arthur

    • Role Model of the Week- Ben


  • Bank Holiday Monday- School will be closed this upcoming Monday, so school will be reopen on Tuesday 7th May.

  • Homework- Can all children make sure that they are practicing their spellings and making sure their homework books are back in on Thursdays.

  • Football Kits- If you have played for the school football team this year, could you have a look for any kits that you may still have in which they are to be brought back in. This will consists of blue top, blue socks and white socks. This will either be the Our Lady’s kit (with CN Active sponsorship) or the Premier League Primary Stars kit.

  • Thursday 16th May- We will be going on a school trip to Lancaster to visit the Castle and the Police Museum to further learn about our crime and punishment unit in History. The payment is now live on parent pay.