Year 5 Half Term Homework

Last chance to complete any of Summer 1’s optional homework. This can be documented/evidenced in a separate homework book marked ‘Learning Journal’. Please check last weeks blog to find these options.

Compulsory Homework


  1. privilege

  2. profession

  3. programme

  4. pronunciation

  5. punctuation

  6. queue

  7. recognise

  8. recommend

  9. relevant

  10. restaurant

  11. rhyme

  12. rhythm


The weekly SPAG sheet consisting of 10 questions has been stuck into the children’s homework books ready to complete.


Congratulations if you have ‘Gone Green’ on TTRS. Many of you are so close to getting green so keep practicing. If you are already green, focus on getting your time down to under one second- you know what the score to beat is! Check the new TTRS scoreboard just outside the create room.

Fractions will be our new unit of work after half term with lots to learn.

Z1- Fractions review

We have been doing lots of retrieval on percentages of amounts. Have a go at this IXL to keep our knowledge sharp. Remember these key rules:

10% (divide by 10)

1% (divide by 100)

50% = half

25% = quarter

HH9- Percent of a number


We have reached our class target of over 10,000,000 words for the year! Now it is time to focus on your own personal reading targets with only one half term to go!