This week...

A lovely week. We have spent most mornings learning alongside Reception and we have really enjoyed it! It was lovely to catch up with friends that we made last year and also brothers and sisters. A true learning community.

Emma’s blog

Hello everyone, 

The weather has been wet this week but it hasn't stopped us having a fun packed week of learning. 

On Monday, Mr Nays PE class was brilliant. He taught the children how to play cricket! One team of fielders and the other team ‘throwers’ of the ball. We had to run around the a set cones before the fielders retrieved the ball. It was a very competitive but in the end it was a draw.

The children have been busy decorating their t-shirts for Sports Day, we can't wait for you to see our designs, they all look fantastic.

The children have been practicing writing sounds using the sound rhymes to help them to form the letters. It's lovely seeing the children having a go, just like Tommy Turtle. 

We have some very exciting news about our wormery. They have been working hard turning their food into compost, but also, they have had babies! The children have been investigating with magnifying glasses, watching the tiny worms move in the soil. It’s all very exciting.

This week we have been rhyming words. We had a rhyme bag with lots of different rhyming objects, the children had to work out the rhyming objects. It was a bit tricky. We used things like cat and bat, fish and dish. We also played a rhyming game on the computer. The children have asked for it to go on the blog, so here it is. Have fun rhyming. Click here. 

I can't believe we only have one week left before we break up for May half term.

Have a wonderful weekend. 


Michelle’s blog

Hello everyone and welcome to this week’s blog.

This week has been a little different as we have been able to spend some time with our friends in Reception. We did impress Mr. Nay and Mr. Murray in PE this week , as we played a team game practising our throwing and running skills.

Its been a very active week this week with lots of outside activities. We have really enjoyed going on the trim trail this week, and being very adventurous as we climb, but always keeping safe as we do it.

We have been lucky with the weather and have enjoyed outside picnics every day. We even had a picnic in the castle.

Thank you for sending in your t shirts for Sport Day. We are looking forward to showing you all our kills we have been learning and practising hard.

Have a lovely weekend everyone and we will see you next week.


A big thank you to everyone who managed to pop in to see us on Tuesday after school. It is always lovely to see you and share your child’s achievements.

A gentle reminder to to send in a plain white t shirt to decorate in readiness for Sports Day (18th June at 2.00 pm).

Jim Jam Jog

On Monday, sponsor forms went out going out for our annual JIM JAM JOG - a firm fixture on the school’s calendar. Every Summer, 240 children, staff and parents come dressed in their pjs ready to run as many times around the school field as possible. The funds raised always go towards the development of the school; this year that is our outside area and break time equipment. This year, it will take place on Monday 17th June at 8am.

In addition, this year we wanted to help another cause. It is very important that our children are aware of their community and causes that are close to them and us. There have been a number of significant events that have really made us stop this year and reflect. We hope that this summer, we can raise money for them both.

On 15th September 2023, we lost a very dear former pupil of ours, Harrison Bretheron. In a couple of week’s time, the family and friends of Harrison will be running his 22nd mile. Harrison never made it to 22 years of age; this is their tribute to him. All money raised from the run will be donated between Alder Hey Children’s Hospital and The Firefighter’s Charity; both of which have supported many of our current and former families. So far, they have raised over £15,000 - it is remarkable. We want to do our bit as well. Please support this event as much as you can - get your pjs ready!

We will be hosting a second charity towards the end of the year which our Year 5 children will tell us all about in a few week’s time.

Ideas for the weekend!

If you happen to be at a loose end this weekend here are some ideas to do as a family.

Sound Starters Game

If it’s raining and you can’t get out and about here’s a fun (noisy) game to play indoors.

Click any of the yellow bubbles on the game to hear a random sound. Some are real sounds and others are funny sound effects. Some start off quietly and gradually get louder, some are long and some are short so there’s lots to talk about. Click here.

Phonics learning opportunities

To develop listening skills.

To describe sounds and talk about the differences between them.

To know a range of words that can be used to describe sounds.

Have fun!

Whatever the weather, enjoy just being together with loved ones.

God Bless
