This week...

Welcome back! I hope that everyone had a lovely Easter despite the rain and the wind!

We have started our new learning thread ‘growing’. A big thank you to everyone who has donated seeds and pots. Our delivery of soil arrived just before Easter…I may have over ordered, it’s HUGE bag.

On Monday we planted carrots, meadow seeds, lettuce, tomatoes and strawberries. Now we are waiting patiently. In the meanwhile we have been discussing what will be happening under the soil and what the seeds need to thrive. Click here to watch and here to see the seeds start to germinate.


This week we explored the concept of the Trinity, where God is three-in-one and each part loves the others and loves us. We discussed how Children we are made in the image of God, we are designed to love God and love one another in our wider communities too.

Our word of the week is ‘believe’. Even though we have seen the season of Lent cumulate in Easter Sunday, and Jesus’ Resurrection, Eastertide still continues. Now ids the time to celebrate in the risen Lord; during which we are called to grow in friendship with Jesus, believe in Him, and tell others about the Resurrection. We have been learning the hymn ‘Be Still for the Presence of the Lord’. Click here to join in at home.

Emma’s Blog

Hello everyone, 

Welcome back. I hope you all had a wonderful Easter. It's been lovely hearing the children telling us all what they have been up to over the holidays.

As it’s a new term and Summer is here, we have been busy planting seeds in our garden. We have planted strawberry, carrot, tomato and cucumber plants as well as wild flower seeds, and lots more. We have been working our brains and learning about how seeds germinate, and how the roots of the seed need water and nutrients to feed the plant and to help it grow from under the ground. Talking about nutrition in the soil, how does the soil gets the nutrition I here you ask? Earthworms are fantastic burrowing creatures and are the living, breathing, engineers of the underworld, eating and recycling organic matter to keep our soil healthy with nutrition ready for planting.

We also found out lots of interesting facts about the earthworm, and here is a link for you to look at: Click here to learn more.

The children have been working together to make a wormery in nursery, to see how the worms live and eat underground. The children really enjoyed looking for the worms and layering their new home with sand and soil and feeding them by leaving out dead leaves and plants on top of the soil. I will keep you all updated with how they are getting on.

We have also been busy learning our new sounds, ng, nk, qu, th, ch this week. The children are working really hard with their sounds.

See you all next week.


Michelle’s blog

Hello, and welcome to this week’s nursery blog. I hope you all had a restful and peaceful Easter and didn’t eat too many eggs.

This week we have jumped straight into our new topic of spring and growing with both feet, or should that be both wellies?

We have decided we want to grow lots of things , lots of flowers and lots of fruit and vegetable. We have spent some time planting seeds and plants with pots and compost. We keep looking but they haven’t grown yet.

Here are some fantastic spring ideas for you to try at home. Click here.

If you would like to have a go at growing at home but are short on space or time, here are some ideas for growing using vegetable scraps, click here

In PE we have continued to practise our Fundamental Movement skills of throwing, catching, jumping, running and hopping. Catching is really tricky but we keep practising. This is a skill that you could try practising with your child, as you can throw and catch anything, it doesn’t have to be a ball.

We have also continued  exploring numbers this week and have been growing our brains trying to find all the different ways we can make different numbers and also looking for numbers in the environment. When you look, they are everywhere! Which numbers can you spot?

Here is a link to some fantastic number games, including letter formation, counting and number recognition. Click here.

That’s all for now. Have a lovely weekend and we will see you next week.



The Tiny Seed by Eric Carle; Click here

Please look out for a seeds sequencing card game to make at home…coming home this week! Enjoy!

Lastly, it has been so lovely to see everyone back at nursery this week, ready and eager to learn. Next week…more growing! We can’t wait.

Have a lovely weekend

God Bless
