This week...

Such an emotional week. We have travelled through Holy Week attending each moving assembly which has depicted Jesus’ journey to the cross. We have been discussing each event by visiting the stations of the cross. The children have been truly reflective, trying to comprehend ‘why’? On the morning of the Crucifixion assembly we were so overcome with sadness it made some of us cry.

It has not been all sadness though, we have enjoyed lots of fun in the garden, organising everything in readiness for a planting bonanza when we return!!

Our learning thread focusses on ‘cycles’; plants and animals, and also a complementary thread- ‘Superheroes’! Click on the button below to see our planning.

We were lucky enough to have Year 2 newly hatched chicks come to nursery for us to look after. It was thrilling. We watched a video of one of the chicks emerging from its shell (see year 2 blog from last week).

Easter Egg Hunt!

On Thursday Easter bunny came to nursery and hid eggs for everyone in the garden. We had great fun searching for them. Take a look!

Read, Write Inc.

We are so proud of ourselves…we have completed Speed Set 1 sounds, phew! We now need to keep practising them so that we get better and better.

Click here for z

Click here for ch

Click here for qu

Click here for x

Click here for ng

Click here for nk

Try and think of words with these sounds in them. Good luck, it’s tricky!

Emma’s blog

Hello everyone 

We have had a fun packed 4 days this week.

Nursery has been into the school assembly every day this week to watch years 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, tell different parts of the Easter story. We have really enjoyed it. 

The children have continued learning about the 14 stations of the cross by using objects to represent each station. For example, a rock represents the tomb, 3 plasters represents Jesus falling 3 times, lolly sticks for the cross and many more. The children linked the objects to each station to help us remember and retell the Easter Story.

A big thank you for bringing back your Lenten boxes. Your kindness will really help those less fortunate.

We were so excited we met x and z letter sounds this week as the children have been waiting so long for these as its seems they really like saying them. The children also use there whole body to represent X.

We had some visitors in nursery this week. Some baby chick's from year 2, where the children in year 2 have been looking after them. They have had them since they were eggs and looked after them as they hatched. The children in nursery were really grateful that they got to see and touch them. Thank you year 2 for letting us spend time with your chick's.

As Easter is this weekend, here is a recipe to make chocolate nests and an Easter counting game. Click here and here. Enjoy!

Have a wonderful Easter and enjoy your week off, and I can’t wait to hear what you have all been up to.


Michelle’s blog

Hello everyone and welcome to this week's blog.

This week we have had assembly every morning as we have watched the juniors tell the story of Easter. Mrs Gregan has said she was very impressed when visiting nursery at how much the children could recall about Easter. The children are very aware of the Crucifixion and the Resurrection as we have had many discussions over the previous weeks about many aspects of Easter.

Thank you so much for all the Lenten boxes that have been returned. We have been very humbled by your generosity.

We have continued learning new letter sounds this week and have been practising our writing too.  Here is a reminder of the sounds we have learnt so far.

Click here

We are enjoying our revamped garden and have been enjoying it, whatever the weather.

Have a lovely Easter and we will see you after the holidays.


Finally, I would like to wish everyone and Happy and Holy Easter. Thank you for all your support of nursery this term, you are truly wonderful!

Stay safe and God bless, I will see you on the 8th April.
