This week...

This week we have been finding our about our moon. We have found out lots of interesting facts such as the moon is silent, there is no air and little gravity. We have discussed how we would get there, what we would have to wear and the phases of the moon each month. Click here to find out more.

Emma’s blog

Hello everyone,

We have been so busy again this week with all our learning. Here is what we have been up too.

We have been very excited as a space rocket has landed in nursery and this must mean one thing, we have been growing our brains and learning about space. We have been looking and learning about the moon. The children have been amazed with facts about the moon and they were so excited to here that 3 men, Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins were the first men to land on the moon. They can't wait to learn more facts about space. 

We have also been having fun with dough disco. Playing with the dough we have been zooming into space, walking on the moon, and making our own rockets and using these moves to continue to help strengthen the children's hands and muscles. Here is the links for you to have a go at home.

Click here

Click here

Click here

The children continue to really enjoy Mr Nays' and Mr Murrays' PE sessions. On Monday we had to work hard with our listening, and following quick instructions, the children had to run, hop and jump towards a coloured cones, but Mr Nay would change the move and the colour of the cone each time making it tricky for the children and making them listen carefully and think quickly. The children had so much fun.

We have met some new sounds this week, j, v, and w. The children have been working hard practicing the sound and their accompanying rhymes.

The nursery went on a journey to visit the 14 stations of the cross, that each class have created.

They are all wonderful pieces of work and as we walk around, we discussed the Easter story and how each station made us feel.

Have a great weekend and I can't wait for more fun and learning next week.


Michelle’s blog

Hello and welcome to this week's blog.

We have been very excited this week as we have started our new topic of space.

We have been finding out about the moon. We learnt that the moon has very little gravity and only 3 astronauts have been there and it takes about 3 days to get there.

We were very excited to take home our very own moon rock. You will find this in the brown envelope with your child's name on.

We watched a video about the moon that explains why sometimes you can only see part of it and not the whole moon. Click here

We have also had lots of fun in our own space station putting on our suits and moon boots.

I hope you have been able to observe the moon this week if not then have a look out for it next week too 

Have a lovely weekend and we will see you next week 



We have continued our journey to the cross by creating the story using the peg figures Mrs. Gregan made. The children were able to tell the story of Easter using the appropriate figures. It was so beautiful to observe.

This week each child has made a prayer pebble and Easter cross. Keep a look out in your child’s bag- all will become clear when you read the poem.

Number 7

Seven shows the others how to be lucky: ask a number friend to jump on your head! But how do you know which friend? Click here to watch.

Geraldine Giraffe- sounds

Everyone was so excited to start learning new sounds. We must keep practising the old ones too though!

Click here for j

Click here for v

Click here for y

Click here for w

Click here for th


We visited the school library this week. We found the funniest and silliest story called ‘Stuck’ We all laughed so much. Click here to listen at home.

Also, here’s another good nonsense story. It is called ‘Man on the Moon’. Click here.

We’re going to the moon

We have found a good action song for everyone to join in at home. It is called ‘Zooming to the moon’. I can see you now zooming around your lounge. I hope you enjoy it as much as we did at nursery. Click here

Book Fair

The Book Fair will be in school Friday 1st March, Monday 4th March and Tuesday 5th March. It will be held in the school hall it would be lovely to see you there. Each child will have a 31 token towards the price of a book.

ALSO, next Thursday (7th March) will be World Book Day. Children are invited to come to nursery dressed as a book character. Please bear in mind health and safety, toileting etc (preferably no onesies/slippers- sensible shoes please).

Purple Mash

Please don’t forget to keep visiting Purple Mash, there is so much to explore as well as the learning your child’s key person has set. I have changed the pins on the virtual classroom, if you have time take a look.

You will have noticed all the building work that has been happening in the nursery garden recently. We thought it was coming to a close but we have found our that our outside play house need urgent attention. From Monday Sam the joiner will be taking it down and building a new one, along with a few more bits and bobs….watch this space (and the garden).

Lastly, don’t forget to book a Parents’ Evening appointment with your child’s key person. It would be lovely to see you for a catch up. If anyone would like to speak with me just drop me a email.

I think that’s everything. Please have a lovely weekend and we will see you on Monday for even more learning.

Stay safe and God Bless
