This week...

A huge welcome back to every one. We missed everyone.

As Lent began during the holidays it has been a bit of a catch up week. It can be of no surprise that most of the week had been dedicated to walking alongside Jesus during His last week. The children have been visibly moved by the Easter story, which as prompted some in depth discussions. One of the questions was “when did God die?” One for Father Peter I think… we will write it in his book.

In our mission to be more like Jesus our Lenten promise wall is full of the qualities we aspire to maintain each day. The children are filling our Lenten Heart by being kind, loving, thoughtful and giving. We are all trying to put others needs before our own, just as Jesus would do.

We have contributed to the whole school Stations of the Cross by depicting the stations 2 and 9. Take a look at our interpretations. Take a look.

Thank you to everyone for bringing in your Lenten boxes. They have now been successfully swapped with our class partners and sent back home. We have talked about completing acts of kindness each day and in doing so collect money that can be donated to our chosen charity, Cafod. Cafod is an international development charity who reach out to people living in poverty with practical help, whatever their religion or culture. CAFOD is the official aid agency of the Catholic Church in England and Wales and part of Caritas International.

Through their global Church network, they have the potential to reach everyone; campaigning for global justice, so that every woman, man and child can live a full and dignified life.

A worthy mission, let’s work together to make it a huge success and to help as many people as we can. In anticipation, thank you.

As we have been so busy with the Easter story we have delayed our NEW learning thread. We are launching it tomorrow! So you can join us in our learning this half term click on the button below.

Lucky Number 7

This week we have been excited to meet Number 7. Click here to watch.

In this episode the children discovered the relationship between Seven and the other Numberblocks. It gave us the opportunity to practise counting numbers to 7nandto say their ordinal names (first, second third) 7 is also related to the number of the colours of the rainbow and the days of the week.

As with previous numbers, Seven is created through adding one to the previous number, combing 6 and 1. Each consecutive number is one more than the previous one. The children are also beginning to compare 7 with other numbers; seven is taller than six; 7 is one more than 6.

Don’t forget to keep practising writing numbers 0-7 using the special rhymes! Click here for a reminder. Remember duck fingers!

Emma’s blog

Hello everyone,

Welcome back, I hope your all had a wonderful break. We have got straight back into growing our brains and having lots of fun.

We started off this week talking about Lent and it has been lovely seeing all of your amazing lent boxes coming in that you have worked so hard on, so thank you. The children were very excited to swap their Lent boxes with year 3.

We have made a heart that represents our lent promise, and the children have come up with words that relate to this promise such as loving, kind, helpful, patient and many more. The children each get a smiley face stamp on the heart each time they show they are representing one of these words and are so proud when they get a stamp. 

Mrs Gregan has asked the nursery to help make a part of the Stations of the Cross for the school and has given us stages 2 and 9. The children have been very busy painting and helping to bring them to life. 

We have been looking and talking about the 14 Stations of the cross, and reading the Easter story. The children are shocked to hear how Judas made a bad choice, and very sad to hear what Jesus had to go through. But as the children say, it has a happy ending when Jesus “was alive again” Here is a link for the Easter story.

As you may have seen, our nursery garden is having a bit of a makeover and the children have been very excited watching all of the building works that's been going on. The children can't wait to play in their new garden. 

We have been on a walk around the school grounds, looking for signs of Spring. I know, you are all saying 'it's too early', but we found daffodils, crocuses, daisies and snowdrops. We also tried to find some birds nests; we didn’t find any though. The children had so much joy in finding them.

This week we have met number 7. We have been working out with our fingers how we can make 7 in different ways. The children have also enjoyed having a go at writing the number 7 as well.

Have a great weekend everyone and see you all on Monday for more fun and leaning. 


Michelle’s blog

Hello everyone and welcome to this week's blog.

I hope you all had a lovely restful week at half term.

This week we have been consolidating our previous knowledge of the letter sounds we have learnt so far. We had done so well!

We have revisited the letter sound ' p' and watched a video of Geraldine the Giraffe and we could think of lots of words that begin with this sound.

Why not have a hunt for things in your house that begin with 'p'

We were very excited this week to watch as our garden is undergoing a bit of a change. It looks very exciting and we can't wait to try it all out. This has not stopped us from going outside as we have visited the castle, investigated signs of spring in the environmental garden and we have even been invited to use reception's outside space too. Thank you Mrs Hartley.

We are now in Lent and we have been exploring the Easter Story. We have tried really hard to be like Jesus and his disciple to earn a stamp on our Lenten promise wall. Although the story of Jesus makes us sad we know that it has a happy ending.

Our crafts this week have mostly involved reflecting on Jesus’s journey to crucifixion.

Have a lovely weekend


As usual nursery has been frantically busy again, but we just love growing our brains. Added to all our learning everyone has been keeping a special eye on the building works that are happening in our garden…we are so excited!!!

I suggest a quiet weekend may be in order because we have lots planned for next week!!! Please keep safe and enjoy just being together. I will see you on Monday.

God Bless
