Year 3 Homework- Wednesday 8th January


This weeks focus is common exception words - here’s the next set of these tricky words that we just need to learn…no patterns or special rules.

  1. promise

  2. quarter

  3. describe

  4. answer

  5. arrive

  6. notice

  7. decide

  8. library

  9. address

  10. believe


Reading targets have been reset, please listen to your child read at home for 15 minutes each night - it really does make a huge difference.

Purple Mash - Optional activities linked to our learning will be added to purple mash each week.

TT Rock Stars and Numbots - please encourage your child to log on to and practise number skills and times tables.

Spring 1 Optional homework - below is the link for this half term’s optional homework. These task link to our learning in class.