Year 3 Homework- Tuesday 21st May


This weeks focus is common exception words
Spelling quiz will be on the first Monday back after half term.

Don’t forget spelling quizzes can be accessed online on Purple Mash each week.

  1. difficult

  2. famous

  3. extreme

  4. guide

  5. heart

  6. history

  7. minute

  8. popular

  9. natural

  10. believe

Just one week left to work towards reading targets. I am so pleased with the progress the children have made so far - I think this may be the best half term with had with our reading this year. After half term the children will complete the star reading assessments again and their book levels and reading targets will be reviewed. Keep going Year 3…You are amazing!

Summer Term Optional Homework

As mentioned on Mrs Gregan’s weekly blog, the Summer term sees us launch our new Home Learning Policy. Below is a link to this half terms home learning tasks.