Year 6 Home Learning 14.03.24

Homework is now due back on Wednesdays


  1. Please could you continue to pracitce converting and telling the time, this is a life skill that needs to be practised. Could you please complete the word problems on time- remember what we say in class ‘when dealing with time, use a number line!’.

2. Could you also complete the arithmetic sheet.


This week’s spelling focus are words ending in ‘ance’. Remember to pratice these thoghout the week and to complete the quiz on Purple Mash.

Mrs Barker’s Group

try turn went why world along

Please continue reading at home for AT LEAST 20 minutes each night.

Please complete the short comprehension sheet on the ‘The first man on the moon’. This is great practice to improve your fluency and comprehension skills so please take the time to complete it carefully.