This week....We're going on a dinosaur hunt...we're going to catch the big one!!!!

Such an eggciting week (sorry about the pun). Our dinosaur egg has finally hatched. Wait till you see what was inside it!

Worship-Forever Friends

This week we listened to a story about Freddy Teddy struggling to share at a picnic with his friends. We then children consider how to resolve conflict in friendships through saying sorry and asking for/receiving forgiveness. Children learnt that when we hurt others, we also hurt Jesus – but that Jesus teaches us how to forgive ourselves and others! Click on the button below for the slides.

Michelle’s blog

Hello everyone and welcome to this week's blog.

We have continued our exploration of all things dinosaur. Finally our dinosaur egg has hatched and we were amazed to watch as a triceratops was filmed in our nursery. Luckily, it was a herbivore so only eats plants. We saw evidence of this on our potted plant it where it has nibbled the leaves.

If you would like to experience having a AR dinosaur in your house I can recommend the app ARLOOPA.

Did you know that if you Google the name of a dinosaur you can see it in 3D?

We also enjoyed practicing our throwing skills in PE.

On Wednesday we made another volcano and watched a short film about volcanoes. We learnt there are volcanoes in parts of the world but none here. 

We continue to practice our counting skills as we had to count out the correct number of plates for the stegosaurus.

What a busy week!

Have a lovely weekend and we will see you all next week.


Emma’s Blog

Alert! Alert! Alert!
What a fantastic week we have had.

Dinosaur egg update... The children have been really good looking after the dinosaur egg in nursery, keeping it very safe. However, on Wednesday morning the children were very shocked to find that the egg was broken on the floor. Before nursery opened, Barbara and Michelle caught the dinosaur, and sent it back to the dinosaur zoo, but they managed to record a video to show the children. When the children saw the video, they couldn't believe their eyes as they watched a baby triceratops hatch from the egg, and saw it eating one of the plants in nursery. We were so lucky that Barbara found the egg. The children then each took a bit of the dinosaur egg shell to colour on and take home. What a exciting morning we had.

Justine has been adding some fantastic skin to our stegosaurus, and it even has a pair of eyes now. The children have been really looking after it and have been on some more dinosaur hunts, exploring all the areas of the garden to see if they can find any more eggs or dinosaurs.
The had their nets and explorer backpacks with pairs of binoculars, and although they didn't find any eggs or dinosaurs, they did find some friends who were pretending to be dinosaurs. They found it so funny being caught.

We have a new exciting area in nursery. Our café has now closed its doors for now, and a shoe shop has opened in its place. The children are so excited about this and are really looking after their shop. They like to take turns being a shoe shop person or a customer, but they especially like trying on all the shoes. The children's role playing in the shop is so nice to watch and listen too. If you have any adult shoes you no longer use and would like to donate to our 'shop' it would be much appreciated.

We have started to join in assembly on a Friday afternoon with the whole school. We have been learning a song that the school children sing in assembly called Shine Jesus Shine. The children are trying really hard to practice it so we can join in with the school. The children especially like singing the chorus of the song. Click on the button below to sing along at home!

The children have been very busy learning to write number 6 on paper, on tubes, or outside on the floor, and we have seen lots of fantastic 6's. Here is the saying used on the Numberblocks programme to help when you are practicing at home.
'Start with a curve, then round with a swish, that's the way to make a 6’.

Have a wonderful weekend. Only one week left before half-term. I wonder what fun we are going to be getting up to.

See you all next week.

Here’s the video you have all been waiting for...don’t be to scared, it’s a herbivore!

Isn’t that amazing!!!

I think that is enough excitement for this week! Watch this space to see if another egg appears…and hatches!

Have a lovely weekend and I will see you on Monday.

Stay safe and God bless
