Year 5 Weekly Blog 26.01.24-'Blessed are those who are pure in heart, for they will see God’

As we are coming to the halfway mark of Year 5, the children’s focus, reflection and attitude has really been visible this week in the expectations of upper juniors. We have been using various creative writing techniques in our sci-fi topic to create description such as extended noun phrases, modifying nouns/verbs and personification. In Maths, we have been looking at prime numbers in link to our factors topic and have recapped square numbers to link with our mulitples.

The wonderful Miss Neves came to us with another Art/DT competition- in which each year group was given a different inspirational artist. We had to create a piece of original artwork based on the ideas and techniques used by the set artist.

In RE, we have finished all eight of our beatitudes- the ways in which Jesus wants us to live- in which we reflected on these on how inspirational people in our lives live within these beatitudes. The children were then tasked with the job of creating their own beatitudes and how they want people to live in our world.

We have picked up our French topic again which has been all things space. This links perfectly with our science topic as children are going into the lesson with so much knowledge. We have recently been comparing planets using French adjectives and how to construct this within a French sentence.

In Science, our focus for this week has been the moon. We started the lesson with some commonly asked questions about the moon- in which the children collected research to find the answers. We then looked at the eight different phases of the moon and how these look and transfer from one to another.

In PE, we introduced dribbling to go along with our passing and controlling skills in Hockey- with a little bit of shooting practice to end the session. In gymnastics, we have reverted back to our balancing and transition sequences but with the addition of cannoning movements to go along with our unison sequence.

Let’s Celebrate

  • Rose for being a determined learner: Me and Mrs Mather have been so impressed with your determination in your maths lessons. Regardless of it not being your favourite subject, you get your head down and focus really hard on wanting to achieve each task and improve your skills.

  • Rafe for being a focused and creative learner: In every manner throughout the classroom, you are always setting the right example Rafe. I feel like I don’t praise you enough for this but it is simply because you portray this behaviour every single day. You also apply these positive choices into your learning by using the resources available to get the most out of your learning.

  • Virtue Butterflies: Our butterfly this week goes to Esther and Isaac for representing our school so well at the RSC storytelling event this week. Your eloquence towards your learning really helps with your creative writing and how you apply yourself towards all aspects of learning.

    Lunchtime Certificates

    • Role Model of the Week- Ruby

    • Marvelous Manners- Niamh


  • Eco-Trip 6th February- We will be going down to the sand dunes to plant Christmas trees with the Fylde Rangers. We are still needing one volunteer for our trip to come with us. This will take place in the morning and we will be walking down to the dunes. If you are available and interested, then please let me know via email-