Year 5 Weekly Blog 22.9.23- ‘Storytelling is the most powerful way to put ideas into the world’

Another productive week in Year 5, with the children flying through their place value work- showing a great understanding of numbers up to a million. After the bulk of lessons on democracy and parliament, our history lessons turned focus back to Ancient Greece- specifically looking at Sparta and how the lifestyle was different to that in Athens. Fronted adverbials have been our grammar focus in the last few weeks and it has been brilliant to see the children include these in their writing. I am still waiting on some parental and medical forms to be completed. Please fill in the forms below.

This week, we have had the pleasure of hosting local author and storyteller Dan Worsley to our school. Dan shared his experiences of becoming an author and the process involved in writing a novel. He then came into Year 5 for a writing workshop session- focusing on character description, actions and dialogue.

Let’s Celebrate

Luke for being a co-operative learner: As each day has gone by, your engagement in lessons has increased. You have really stood out to me in Maths for your brilliant partner work and dedication to the learning. This has been excellent to see.

Bella for being a inquisitive learner: No matter the subject or the task, you always want to improve your learning by asking lots of curious questions. You make really good use of your ‘have a go’ and ‘magpie’ books to store all of your inquisitiveness.

Isaac for being an active learner: You are always making the right choice and setting an example of how to follow instructions. An excellent work ethic and an excellent learner.


This week, we completed our second Kidsafe lesson on Bullying. The children discussed what bullying means, the different types of bullying and why do people choose to bully.

Parental Consent Forms

I am still waiting for a significant number of parental consent forms to be filled in. Until this is done then unfortunately I can’t upload any photos to the blog.

Walking Home Form

I understand there was a technical issue with accessing the walking home form. I have uploaded this and it should be okay to access now. Sorry for the inconvenience.