Year 2 Weekly blog - "Because God loved us first, we can love others and see the beauty of His design in all people."

This week we have been busy thinking all about what type of person we want to be. We discussed how our beliefs as Christians impact how we behave. We decided that as followers of Christ we wanted to be,

“Helpful towards others; to be responsible for our world by keeping it safe and clean; to always treat others with kindness and love; and to follow in Jesus’ footsteps.”

This led us nicely into the important task of choosing special roles of responsibility for our new school year. Our Year 6 friends had been super busy during the summer holidays, creating such wonderful videos for us all to watch. These videos explained beautifully why they would like to be a HOUSE CAPTAIN this year. We thoroughly enjoyed learning more about each Year 6 friend and casting our votes for our house captains. We will be finding out who will be our house captains on Monday. Not only have we been thinking about who we would like to be our house captains, we have also been thinking about roles of responsibility in our class. Almost everybody in our class wanted to be a school councillor this year! We shared with one another why we would like to have this role, some of our reasons… “Because I want to help people… Because I like to make people feel happy when they are sad… Because I want to help our school to be a special place.”

On Monday afternoon, while half of our class went to art, the rest of us had our first computing lesson (swapping groups in our following lesson). We learnt all about ALGORITHMS this week, and we now understand that an algorithm is a set of instructions. We looked carefully at an algorithm which will make two airplanes and a helicopter take off using our computing programme Purple Mash. Next week we will be following the algorithm to see if we can design our own airplane and helicopter algorithm.

We have also had our first Geography lesson this week. Our topic is ‘My world and Me’. We began our lesson by revisiting the 7 continents that make up our world with a familiar song. Following this we discussed whether or not we had visited any different countries, sharing what we learnt about these countries whilst visiting them. We then explored where the north pole, south pole and the equator are on the globe. We are all now super confident at finding these, understanding that the equator is half way between the north and south pole. Next week we will be looking at different land features of the UK and comparing these and the weather with that of Ecuador.

Mrs Hotchkiss has continued her work on Wolves making posters using what we have learnt. We have also used our treasure boxes in science - expanding our use of scientific vocabulary! These were wonderfully decorated and held just what we needed - Thank you!


Jude C - What a fantastic learner you have been this week Jude! We have been blown away by your focus. You listen carefully during our discussions and share your ideas with enthusiasm! A huge well done Jude, you have settled wonderfully in your new class and we are very excited to see what wonderful things you will achieve this year.

Michael - Well done Michael, your enthusiasm is great to see - you are always ready to learn. Asking questions is really important and you ask to double check or to find out more and this is wonderful. I also have to congratulate you on your lovely reading - so fluent and focused!


Medical and consent forms - If you have not done so already, please follow the links below and fill in these crucial forms so that we have up to date information about your child.

A huge thank you to you all for visiting our classroom on Wednesday. It was such a nice afternoon, seeing the children show you around their classroom, where their peg and trays are and all of their favourite parts of the classroom. It was also such a joy to get to speak with you all and share how your child has settled, bringing our school community closer together once more. Below you will find link to the parental form which we ask you please complete as soon as possible.



This vaccination is recommended to help protect your child against flu. Flu can be an unpleasant illness and can cause serious complications. Vaccinating your child will also help protect more vulnerable family and friends by preventing the spread of Flu. There may be a rebound in Flu levels this coming winter following low levels in the past 2 years. The vaccination is free and is a quick, simple, painless spray up the nose.

Please complete the online consent form.

If you DO NOT wish your child to be vaccinated for whatever reason please complete the form stating NO and the reasons.

Online Consent Form: 

Use the link below to access the online consent form:

Enter the unique school code with BP in capital letters

The code for your school is:  BP119627

.Please inform the School Vaccination Team (Not School) of the following on

 •           If your child has steroid tablets prescribed two weeks prior to vaccination.

•           If in the few days prior to vaccination your child has been wheezy.

•           If after consenting you take your child to your GP surgery to receive their vaccination

It is your responsibility to contact the school vaccination team to ensure they do not receive the immunisation again. Our contact details are:

Blackpool, Wyre & Fylde: 01253 951984

Lancaster & Morecambe: 01524 406672

A leaflet explaining the vaccination programme can be accessed by clicking the following link: Flu vaccination for children

Yours faithfully,

School Age Vaccination Team