This week...

This week will be our final learning blog of the year…next week is all about farewells and our Leavers Party. It’s so hard to believe the year is ending!

It has been an exciting week with the children having a visit from the Fire Service and the Grand Opening of the castle on the school field. Watch out for the pictures below!!

Michelle’s blog

Hello everyone,

What a fantastic week we have had. We have thoroughly enjoyed playing on the new castle on the school field. It is absolutely wonderful, we love it!

We were also excited to have a visit from the fire brigade. We got to climb up and sit in the fire engine and then we got to spray the hose. Brilliant!

We have had lots of fun practising our running and hopping skills. The nursery ladies couldn’t believe how our physical skills have developed over the last few months. It must be all those PE lessons.

Another skill we have been practising is recognising our letter sounds. We are getting so good at speedy sounds, the nursery ladies can’t keep up with us.

Next week is party day! We have so many party games planned. Its going to be so much fun!

Have a lovely weekend,


Steph’s blog

Hello everyone

What another lovely week we have had. We’ve enjoyed the variety of weather and our sunflowers have definitely liked having some rain! We also enjoy running around getting wet!

We used our big butterfly wings to practise our number bonds this week. We placed the gems (we love anything sparkly!) on either side of the butterfly wings and worked out which 2 numbers made up the whole number e.g 3 and 2, 4 and 1 and 5 and 0 to make 5. We swapped the gems around but the total always stayed the same! I could see how much we have grown our thinking brains as the children were coming up with the combinations before we even moved the gems! We have definitely concentrated like Cooper Crab this week!

We also enjoyed being creative this week. We used different materials in the workshop area to make creations to take home (again, lots of sparkles!). Some of us made the link to our minibeast topic and made bug hotels. They look great! Here is an easy bug hotel you could try at home: Click here.

We have continued to enjoy drawing this week. We drew all the people in our family. We had a look back at our drawings from the beginning of the year and we couldn’t believe the difference! We love drawing the people that are special to us. We are great at using describing words to tell our friends what everyone looks like.

Have a lovely weekend and I’ll see you next week – I can’t believe it is our last week already! We have such a fun week planned – I can’t wait!


Emma’s blog


What a wonderful week we have all had.  We have been working hard as it’s our last full week in nursery before the summer holidays.

We have made our very own hungry caterpillar by painting different sized pebbles in green for its body and one in red for its head. Barbara asked the children to count to 10 as she wrote numbers on the pebbles. The children were so excited about what they had made.

We have been continuing with our theme of mini beasts and working with numbers. We made caterpillars out of pom poms using different sized lines as our guide. The children came up with some amazing shapes, sizes and patterns whilst working out how many pom poms they would need to complete the caterpillar. We had so much fun.

As the weather has been a little wet recently, the children have noticed that there are more bugs around than there was in the dry, warmer days. They have been asking if they can go on another bug explorers walk. The children got their backpacks on, grabbed their magnifying glasses and off we went. They loved finding and learning about the mini beasts.

I played the children a video about ‘dough disco’. The children had so much fun having a go, listening to the instructions given in the video about different activities to do with the dough to the music. Playing in the dough this way will help to strengthen the children’s hand muscles and helps them to concentrate and follow instructions whilst having fun. I’ll pop the link at the bottom so you can all have a go over the holidays.

I hope you all have a fantastic weekend. It’s going to be an emotional week next week as I know for some of you it’s your last week in nursery. Get lots of rest this weekend and ready yourselves for lots of fun and games at our beach party!

Dough Disco

Make your own playdough!

1 cup of plain flour

1/2 cup of salt

1 teaspoon of cream of tartare

1 tablespoon of oil

1 cup of water

Food colouring

Put all ingredients into a pan and stir until it resembles playdough!! Enjoy!!

…and a few extras from Justine!

Eco Day

As you know Friday was ‘eco day’ in nursery. We are collecting for new recyling bins for around school. What a splendid day!

We watch a couple of short videos about the recycling centre before playing the recycling game. We had to sort all the objects into the correct bin. You will be able to access the game aand video on your Purple Mash account. If you open ‘Simple City’ you will find the recycling centre there! Good luck!

It’s been a full on week, and great fun! I think the weather this weekend is a bit rainy so snuggle down and watch Wimbledon (if you can)!

Stay safe and God Bless
