This week...

It has been a week full of spotting patterns in the environment. We have seen patterns everywhere and even made our own!

We played a ‘Shape pattern’ game too! Click here to play at home.

The children have been watching and waiting for our butterfies to emerge…not yet Im afraid. We will keep watching, it can’t be much longer.

If you click on the button below you will be able to join in our rhyme about the life cycle of a butterfly. I bet the children can tell you all about it.

Steph’s blog

Hello everyone

We have continued being fascinated by sunflowers this week! We have put our paintings up on the wall in the nursery and have created even more sunflowers this week using coloured tissue paper. We worked hard to choose the correct colours and put them in the right place to make sure our sunflower was soooo beautiful. 

We have also carried on taking care of the sunflowers we have brought in from home. We have 2 beautiful big yellow flowers and there’s are others that look like they may flower soon too! Maybe over the weekend they will.

We all still love dressing up - getting out the box of different materials gave us lots of opportunity to be creative. We were superheroes, wizards and sports people! We had so much fun doing this in the sunshine in the garden. 

We have enjoyed a big hunt this week. We love going around the garden with the clipboards finding out. We feel like real explorers, especially when we use the explorer backpacks with binoculars and magnifying glasses! We drew pictures of what we found, and also of our favourite bugs. Here is the template we used, why not have a go at home: Click here

We have continued practising counting and ordering numbers to 10 this week. We are going to know so much when we go into Reception! Here is a game to practise at home: Click here

Hopefully the sunshine will continue over the weekend! 

See you next week.


Michelle’s blog

Hello everyone and welcome to this week’s blog.

This week has been  all about squirmy worms. We found out that worms don’t have any eyes, or ears or even a nose! But they are really important in our gardens. Nothing will grow without worms. So, we went on a worm hunt, trying to dig them up. I’m sad to say, that we didn’t find any worms, we think we may have scared them all away. This didn’t stop us from making our own worms from pipe cleaners and singing our favourite song about worms, ‘There’s a worm at the bottom of the garden’. I think some even managed to wriggle their way into our bags this week, you may have found them at home. You can use them to sing along with Mr Tumble, click here

We have been in a musical mood this week so we had our own marching band in the garden, singing our favourite nursery rhymes which may have involved bananas and pyjamas. If you don’t know this one then I’m sure your child will sing it for you. It starts ‘Humpty Dumpty sat on the wall, eating a bunch of bananas….’

We have been practising some new skills this week, as we used the ribbons to thread and make patterns in the garden. They look so pretty blowing in the wind, but it was really tricky to thread them through the frames. Threading is an important skill to learn as it helps us as we learn to hold a pencil and form letters when we start to write. Here is another really good activity for developing fine motor skills, click here

We also had a tricky challenge of moving the ball just using our legs and feet on the wobble board. This is really tricky and took lots of concentration. But we got there in the end. Try, try, try, just like Sadie Spider.

Hope you all have a lovely weekend and we will see you next week.


Emma’s blog


We have had an exciting week, full of fun!

Firstly, the caterpillars are now in their cocoons, which the children have been very excited about. We have even made our own cocoons by wrapping ribbons and string around a cocoon shaped piece of card, and then hanging them from the ceiling. We have also been looking at some real, now empty cocoons and talked about what patterns, shapes and colours we could see on them. We wrapped two of our children up just like a cocoon using toilet roll (clean of course!!) which they all found so funny, but it showed the children what the caterpillars did to build their cocoon, and how they then emerge when they are a butterfly. It was funny for everyone to watch. I wonder what will happen in the coming week with our cocoons, mmmmm?

The children have been exploring patterns this week using shapes and colours and to keep with our mini beasts theme, we made a large spider and gave it two colour pattern legs using blocks.

Our snails had a great week in our snail hotel, but we decided to put them back in the garden. The children said their goodbyes and watched them slide off into the bushes. The next day, the children went out to see if they could see them in the area where we released them but sadly they had disappeared (I can’t blame them!) . One of the children did though spot a snail trail going into the reception class garden. We did follow the trail to see if we could find our snails but only found one more trail, and definitely no snails. If you live close to nursery, please keep a look out and say hello to our snails (numbered 1 - 6!).

Have a wonderful weekend


Here is a fun pattern game to do over the weekend. Click here and have fun!

…and a few extras form Justine!


As we are quickly approaching the end of the year, could I please ask you to return any library sacks that you may still have at home. We will have to collate, prepare and wash everything ready for Sepetmber! A huge task I fear! Thank you so much.

Leavers party

Watch out next week for more info on this years Leavers Party!!

I think that’s all for this week, but I do always manage to forget something!

Have a lovely weekend and enjoy Lytham Festival if you are going!

God Bless
