Year 5 Weekly Blog 23.06.23 ' High school is about finding who you are because that's more important than trying to be someone else'

With only 4 weeks left of Year 5, things are certainly not slowing down as we have had another jam-packed week. As the year comes to a close, we have been starting our final topics of each subject and the children have had a taste of what some lessons in Year 6 are like with lots of independent work.

At the beginning of the week, we stepped up our music concert practice again as we prepare for the big day which is on Monday 10th July. We also finished our class novel of the ‘Windrush Child’, which focused on the migration of Jamaicans post world war two into England and the racial injustice that came from this.

The class also continued with their food tech lessons- this week having a tasting session of some of the foods that they are either going to use or make themselves.

On Thursday, we took another trip out of school as we went to St Bedes for a high school taster day- with all things Science & Technology. It was brilliant for the children to experience a day in the life of a high school pupil and for them to take in the surroundings of their own potential secondary school. The class was split into two groups, with one group going off into science and the other to technology. Food technology was the focus and the children got to practise their cooking skills as they made pizza whirls. It was a murder mystery for the science group where they explored the world of chemistry and carried out 3 mini experiments to work out who the killer was!

On Friday, some of our children got the opportunity to take part in the swimming Gala- an event that we have not had for years. Performing in front of a packed out crowd with lots of noise can be daunting- especially for a 10 year old- so the children did excellently to handle the pressure. We managed to qualify for 6 of the final events with 2 of our girls winning their semi- final races. I couldn’t be prouder of everyone who took part and I look forward to you competing again next year.

Let’s Celebrate

Lily-Mae for being an enthusiastic and focused learner: As we start another history topic, your enthusiasm and focus has sky rocketed yet again. Your hand is always up to answer a question or to share your knowledge with the class. Keep this up in Year 6!

Millie and Iris for being determined and brave learners: Even though you are both quiet girls when it comes to expressing yourself- your talents certainly overshadow this. Your performances in the swimming gala today were outstanding as you both came from behind in your races to win for our school. I expect to see you both their next year.

Virtue Butterflies: Christian has been chosen for being intentional. Christian has been spotted help calming down and cheering up his classmates when they have been angry and your calm and gentle approach really does make you an asset to our class.


Extra Curricular Activities: The schedule for Summer 2 has been posted on the sports page of the website [engage-> sport] . This includes cricket club on Tuesdays after school (3:30-4:15) which you will have to sign up for and athletics which will take place on Wednesdays at lunchtime. These are to prepare for two upcoming competitions which are also on the timetable.

  • Sports Day: Will take place on Wednesday 28th June at 1:30pm.

  • Clarinet Concert: Will take place on Monday 10th July and parents are invited into school to watch and will start at 2:00.

  • End of Year Play- Year 5 will take part in the Year 6 end of year play which will be held on Monday 17th July and Tuesday 18th July- both starting at 6:30pm