Year 2 Weekly Blog 12th May 2023
In PE this week we joined year 1 to practice our overarm throwing skills. We warmed up with the children’s favourite tig games and then split off into groups and worked on our overarm throws at different stations. We focused on pointing our feet in the direction of the throw, aiming with our non throwing arm before taking our best shots. It’s been great to be able to make the most of the lovely weather we’ve had this week and have our PE lessons outside. Next week our PE lessons will be back to the usual days: Monday and Wednesday.
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In English we have been thinking about the thoughts and feeling of the characters at different parts of the story, next week we will be using these ideas to write a diary entry by Jasmine. The children have used word hippo to find alternative words with similar meanings.
Our sunflowers have started to grow, it’s been lovely to see the chidren’s excited faces as they have come into school and spotted more shoots each day.
On Thursday, the children gave me instructions on how to plant seeds, they thought carefully about the equipment I needed to get together before I started and the time words they were using as they gave instructions. We successfully planted some basil seeds, fingers crossed in the next week or so we will begin to see them grow.
Class worship this week was led by Ellie Rose, Nathan, Jackson and Lena. The theme was compassion, we spoke about times when Jesus showed compassion and how we can learn from his example and show compassion ourselves.
In History, we’ve continued to learn about Grace Darling and why she is remembered such a long time after she was born. The children were shocked to discover that she was born over 200 years ago. We’ve recapped and put in order the main events in her life.
You will all be aware that just a just before the start of the summer term, OFSTED visited our school, we are pleased to be able to share with you their final report over on Mrs Gregan’s weekly blog.
Let’s Celebrate
Well done to our certificate winners this week!
Bea you are a fantastic Year 2 role model, You speak so politely to others and treat them with great respect and compassion, this makes you a great learning partner. You take care and pride in your work and it is always presented beautifully. You should be very proud of yourself.
Rodnie you are always focused and ready to work in class. You listen well and follow instructions carefully and this enables you to produce your best work. I have been particularly impressed with your work in maths and computing.
This week’s Star Readers are Joseph, Alice and Lena.
Our PE days are Monday and Wednesday
Reminder - We try our best in school to be a ‘nut free’ zone, there are a number of adults and children in school who have severe nut allergies. Please ensure that snacks and packed lunches are nut free.
Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs Marham, Mrs Maano and Mrs Carragher