Year 2 Weekly Blog 5th May 2023
In PE this week we have focused on our throwing and catching skills. We practiced throwing accurately using beanbags and hoops as targets, challenged ourselves to throw and catch a ball around a circle without dropping it and played a game where we had to throw a larger ball against the ball and catch it after it bouncing back. As you can see from our photos we had a great lesson. We hope to continue making the most of the good weather and where it allows have most of our PE lessons outside. If your child has a sunhat/cap they may bring them in to wear outside. Next week our PE lessons will be on Tuesday and Wednesday.
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In class there has been lots of discussion about he Coronation and its significance. The children acted out the Coronation in class and we discussed the main parts that they could expect to see at the coronation this weekend - the Oath, the anointing and the receiving of the crown.
We made our own crowns ready to wear at our Coronation picnic!
On Wednesday afternoon the children were very excited to visit the library again. There was a lovely sign greeting us as we arrived. During our visit the children were shown the History room where people are able to carry out local research, the children were amazed hear that the library has maps for the public to see and use that are over 100 years old. The children impressed the librarian when they were able to recognised The Mexico Disaster in painting on the wall in the history room.
Sarah read the children funny story about monsters that ate teachers - it even featured teacher from our school! All the children were able to choose books to borrow - just a reminder that these will need to be returned to the library by the 24th May. We’re looking forward to visiting again next half term.
30 little sprout houses are now homes to 90 little beans ready to sprout - over the next few weeks the children will be keeping a close eye on their beans before bringing them home at half term ready to be planted out.
We’ve also spent some time planting sunflower seeds.
Class worship this week was led by Mia-Grace, Phoebe, Lucia and Fletcher. Their chosen theme was helpfulness, loving and being attentive. We discussed what these words meant and how we had personally experienced them, it was lovely to hear the children recognise not only when they have displayed these characteristic but also when they have experienced them from others. We ended our worship by singing My Lighthouse complete with actions and dancing.
What a fantastic end to the week! The sun shone for our Coronation picnic, the whole school gathered on the field to enjoy our fantastic picnics made by by Jacqui and her team in the school kitchen. We enjoyed singing the National Anthem and our Coronation song - we may have even had a little boogie to YMCA!
Let’s Celebrate
Well done to our certificate winners this week!
What a Co-operative Roger Robin you have been this week Emilia! You are polite and well mannered and this is noticed not only by the adults around school but the children too. You set a fantastic example to others. You work wonderfully with your learning partner and are always there to lend a quiet helping hand and give encouragement without disturbing the rest of the class.
You have been such a focused Cooper Crab this week Isaac! You have been ready to learn in every lesson. You have really enjoyed our science lessons and it has been great to see your enthusiasm.
This week’s Star Readers are Louie, Hugo and Mia-Grace.
Our PE days are next week are Tuesday and Wednesday
School closed Bank Holiday - Monday 7th May
Reminder - We try our best in school to be a ‘nut free’ zone, there are a number of adults and children in school who have severe nut allergies. Please ensure that snacks and packed lunches are nut free.
Have a lovely long weekend,
Mrs Marham, Mrs Maano and Mrs Carragher