Year 2 Weekly Blog 26th May 2023
Well done Year 2! What a fantastic half term we have had….each week you continue to amaze me. This week the children completed their Key Stage 1 Maths Assessments - once again their determination and focus have blown me away.
In Computing, we’ve looked at the work of Piet Mondrian, taking note of his use of vertical, horizontal lines and primary colours to produce abstract art. We recreated his work on Purple mash, then had a go at making our own abstract art inspired by Mondrain using our own choice of colours.

The children have thoroughly enjoying learning about Grace Darling, as our topic came to an end we thought about how she should be remembered and designed stamps. Many of the stamps featured lighthouses, rowing boats and Grace Darling herself.
We got crafty and designed and assembled our own lighthouses.
We have spent a lot of time outside this week, we continued improving our throwing and catching skills in our PE lessons. On Thursday Year 2 were fantastic role models when they teamed up with year 1 to practice some events in preparation for sports day.
Year 2 are lunch time superstars!!!!
They were recognised and rewarded this week for being such fantastic role models in the dinner hall. The children were thrilled when they went into the hall today and saw the table specially decorated for them
The children have been sent home today with their sunflowers, which they have nurtured and taken care of these last couple of weeks. They have also brought with them their sunflower diaries to record their sunflowers growth over half term. The sunflowers can be planted out at home or if your child prefers they can come back to school after half term and we will plant them out in our school garden. It would be lovely if the children could send photos of their sunflowers as they bloom and grow. Pictures can be emailed to me at
In science we have been looking at the lifecycles of plants, particularly strawberry plants as we have some growing in our school garden. We were able to go out and see some of the stages - the flowering, fruit and the ripening fruit.
Let’s Celebrate
Well done to our certificate winners this week!
Joseph you have had an amazing week, there have been many occasions when you have been out of your comfort zone, but you have been brave and courageous and overcome your fears. You have made so much progress.
We are so proud of you.
Jackson, I have really noticed how focused you have been in class over the last couple of weeks. You are making wise choices and managing any distractions and this is having a positive impact on your learning
Keep it up Jackson !
This week’s Star Readers are and Anna, Nathan, Emilia and Bea
Our PE days are Monday and Wednesday
KS1 Sports Day - 20th June 1.30pm
Gym Jam Jog! - Wednesday 21st June 8am
Library visit - 5th July
Zoo trip - Date and details to be confirmed
Half term - School closes for half term Friday 26th May at the usual time and reopens on Monday 12th June.
Reminder - We try our best in school to be a ‘nut free’ zone, there are a number of adults and children in school who have severe nut allergies. Please ensure that snacks and packed lunches are nut free.
As the weather gets warmer we’re hoping to spend more time learning outdoors. Please send your child in with a suitable sunhat with their name in it and apply suncream before school.
Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs Marham, Mrs Maano and Mrs Carragher