Year 2 Weekly Blog 19th May 2023 - Be proud of your progress.

Year 2 Weekly Blog 19th May 2023

This week the children have taken their end of key stage English assessments. They have all worked extremely hard and I am proud of their determination and resilience.

In English we have sequenced the events at the start of the story - the and started putting together sentence to describe what happened, really thinking about the thoughts and feelings of Jasmine. Next week the children will be writing diary entries from Aladdin’s perspective. Why did he help Jasmine? Who did he think she was? How did he feel when he realised she was the Princess?

In science we have continued caring for our sunflowers, we have now repotted them into larger pots and transferred them to our school polytunnel. We have started to make observations and measurements, next week the children will be bringing their sunflowers home and will be asked to continue caring for their plants and taking weekly measurements in their sunflower diaries.
We checked the progress of our avocado seed, the children were excited to see that it has sprouted. We will keep it warm and snug in our classroom cupboard over half term and check it again when we come back into school.
Unfortunately our beans have not sprouted - they became quite smelly so we have decided to try again with some new beans next week.

We made the most of the lovely weather and had class worship in our school garden. Bea, Ava, Alice and Liam led our worship, the theme was love. Bea read a beautiful prayer asking God to look after our Mums and Dads. We spent time thinking about those we love, who loves us and how they make us feel. Safe, kind, loved, thankful and warm were some of the words the children used to described how people who loved them made them feel. We agreed that we are lucky to have people in our lives who make us feel so loved.

In RE with Mrs Gregan, the children have been researching Saint Peter. This afternoon they have used their research to write an information page all about him. I wonder if the children could tell you 3 things over the weekend that they have learnt about Saint Peter?

On Thursday, the whole school went to church to celebrate the Feast of the Ascension. Thank you to our year 4 buddies who joined us for the walk to the church and sat with us. Thank you to those parents who also accompanied us to church, it was lovely to see so many of you there.

Let’s Celebrate

Well done to our certificate winners this week!

Myles you have been a real Keep Improving Lizzie Ladybird this week!  It has been wonderful to see you really trying hard in your assessments, you have been focused and reflective, checking your answers and making improvements when needed.

Lettie is  a Year 2 role model,
Some of the comments from your friends include:
She is always a kind friend.
When I am sad, she cheers me up.

Lettie always concentrates in lessons.
Lettie is always caring and helpful
Well Done Lettie!

This week’s Star Readers are and Martha, Nathan and Louie.


Our PE days are next week are Tuesday and Wednesday

Half term - School closes for half term next Friday 26th May at the usual time and reopens on Monday 12th June.

Reminder -
We try our best in school to be a ‘nut free’ zone, there are a number of adults and children in school who have severe nut allergies. Please ensure that snacks and packed lunches are nut free.

As the weather gets warmer we’re hoping to spend more time learning outdoors. Please send your child in with a suitable sunhat with their name in it and apply suncream before school.

Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs Marham, Mrs Maano and Mrs Carragher