Year 2 Weekly Blog Friday 14th July - What we learn with pleasure we will never forget.

Year 2 Weekly Blog 14th July -

Zoo Trip Monday 17th July
On Monday we will be visiting Blackpool Zoo, children may wear their own clothes but please ensure your child wears comfortable shoes or trainers. We will be doing a lot of walking. The weather forecast isn’t looking great, all children will need to bring a waterproof coat or jacket and a small rucksack to carry their own lunch and drink in. Please ensure your child has had suncream applied before school.

In Geography this week, Bobby Bee visited Kenya. The children used their research and computing skills to make concept maps all about animal that live in Kenya. In computing this half term we have been learning how information can be presented, We’ve looked at Ebooks, quizzes, concept maps and fact files. The children have been confidently using these skills across the curriculum.

This week we finished our class novel - The Folk of the Faraway Tree. The children have loved this book, getting lost in magical lands with Saucepan and Silky! The children have even designed their own magical lands that they would like to see at the top of the tree.

We have come to the end of our Aladdin topic in English, the children have written some fantastic pieces of work - poems, descriptions of magic carpet rides and wonderous caves as well as persuasive pieces.

In Maths we have been been looking at halving numbers, investigating odd and even numbers and writing equations.

On Tuesday Year 1 joined us to practise the Hymns we will be singing at church next week. I was so proud of the super example the children set, we have some fantastic singers in our class.

On Thursday, half of the class visited Ashton Gardens with their year 4 buddies, to try their hand at Crown Green Bowling. We had a great morning, playing games to develop skills need to play bowls.

Eco Day
Thank you for all your kind donations towards our new bins.

Well done to our certificate winners this week!

Emilia, you work hard every week! You consistently show the characteristics of our learning character in all learning opportunities. You are curious and kind, enthusiastic and eager, resilient and responsible. You can be always be relied upon by your friends and by adults in school. You really should be proud of yourself.


Alice - you have been a curious Clara Clownfish this week, asking questions to deepen your understanding. You take an active part in lessons and its lovely to see how excited you get about learning something new. You have been a supportive learning partner and helped your friends get the best out of their learning opportunities too.

This week’s Star Readers are Alana, Bea, Phoebe, Myles and Heath.

Virtues Butterfly - Anna


Our PE days are Monday and Wednesday
Zoo trip - Monday 17th July - non uniform, comfy footwear, waterproof jackets and rucksacks please!
Tuesday 18th July - please send a bag in for your child’s belongings - books, wellys, art shirts etc.
Wednesday 19th July - Leaver’s Mass 9.30am
Thursday - school closes at 2pm

Reminder - We try our best in school to be a ‘nut free’ zone, there are a number of adults and children in school who have severe nut allergies. Please ensure that snacks and packed lunches are nut free.

As the weather gets warmer we’re hoping to spend more time learning outdoors. Please send your child in with a suitable sunhat with their name in it and apply suncream before school. Please ensure your child brings a water bottle into school.

No homework this week, have a lovely weekend,
Mrs Marham, Mrs Maano and Mrs Carragher