Year 2 Weekly Blog 10th March 2023 - Kindness is like snow, it's beautiful and covers everything

Year 2 Weekly Blog 10th March 2023 - Kindness is like snow, it's beautiful and covers everything.

Snow Day! What a lovely way to end the week, the children were so excited when they came into the classroom, there were many stories about snowmen before breakfast and snow angels in pajamas! We had a go at making our own snowmen and snow angels at break time.

In English, we’re looked at the features of friendly letters and written letters to Ruth at the library, thanking her for being such a fantastic host and telling us all about the events coming up at the library.

Mrs Gregan taught our PE lesson on Wednesday - the key learning points were pencil rolls and egg rolls. We all had a go at being coaches and looked for the features of really good rolls. When pencil rolling we ensured our toes were pointing, knees, ankles and hands were together and our tummies were firm. We tucked our knees in tight and made sure our chin were on our chests when doing our egg rolls.
We planned a sequence putting together what we had learnt and performed them to the class.

In Maths we’ve been using our knowledge of adding 1 digit numbers together and transferred this across to adding 2 digit and 1 digit numbers.
Our stem sentences were “ We know that 8 + 1 = 9, so we know that 18 +1 =19
The children were the able to carry this on adding 2 digit and 1 digit number right up to 100.

On Thursday, Myles, Anna, Martha and Alana led our class worship. The focus was kindness and compassion. We listened to the story of The Good Samaritan and thought about his actions and how we can spread our own kindness and compassion.

Herbivores, carnivores and omnivores have been key words in our science lesson this week. I wonder if the children can tell you what they mean? We used these words when putting together food chains.

Origami Workshop - What a treat!
The children thoroughly enjoyed trying their hands at origami, I’m sure many of them have continued practicing their new found skills at home too -I’ve seen lots of origami bookmarks appearing in our class reading books.

Let’s Celebrate

Well done to our certificate winners this week!


Mia-Grace has been a determined and resilient learner this week. She has be working really hard in our maths lessons and this hard work is paying off. Mia-Grace shared with me this week that she was proud of herself – we are proud of you too.
Keep up the fantastic work Mia-Grace.


Scarlett is a wonderful member of our class. She is always focused and ready to learn and sets a fantastic example to everyone. Scarlett is well mannered and a good learning partner to anyone she is paired with. It lovely to see her encouraging her peer and celebrating not only her success but the success of those around her. Well done Scarlett!

Our PE days are now Monday and Wednesday
Parent’s Evening (online) Wednesday 15th March and Wednesday 22rd March, from 2.00pm-5.30pm - book here

Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs Marham, Mrs Maano and Mrs Carragher